

9:30-10:00 Welcome and submissionfor all participants.

10:00 Olympic flag raising

We have prepared a programme of activities for you to have a great time practising, from 10:15-12:30, the sports you like the most:

We propose you a challenge: score 5 points against the champion Hung Chung, and get your weight in milk !

With the help of professionals, you will be able to try this sport: Introduction to golf strokes.
You will be able to practice with Dianas and Banderas!

disciplineRugby, respect, integrity, passion, solidarity, workas a team... the sport where the loser is honoured as a champion. Enjoy rugby!

Don't miss the opportunity to try out Softball! All children are invited to participate. It's easier than you think and you're sure to have fun!

If you have been learning to play paddle all year and you want to take the leap to competition, now is the time. We are waiting for you at the exhibition-tournament that we are going to celebrate on the world olympic day. And if you have never tried this sport before, this is also your moment with the clinic, where you can learn all the basic strokes and get started in it.

This activity consists of a "three against three" competition between the registered teams (from 9 to 16 years old). And if you don't have a team, don't worry, sign up and we'll find one for you!

Come and try a fun classTaekwondo; Korean Martial Art and Olympic sport. Share "Kicks" with the Champions of the best Taekwondo club in Navarra 2016 and 2017 (Mendialdea). Stay afterwards to see the children's end-of-course exhibitions of this prestigious school in Berriozar.

Come and enjoy the Final of the U14 and U10 Children's Championships in Navarre.

Exhibition at positionof the Pamplona Swimming Club.

Do you want to take part in a circuit of different activities without competing? You'll be able to play many games in different stations and have fun with a groupgroup of friends. In Multisport you will have the opportunity to practice sports and popular games in a very fun way. If you are between 5 and 7 years old, don't think about it!

Enjoy a workshopfull of football with the technical team of Campus Javi Martínez, which has coaches with great experience in the world of football who will prepare specific training sessions and competitions in small groups for the greatest learning and fun of the participants. Registration for boys and girls from 6 to 16 years of age

Have you tried this new activity? Get your friends and come and try this team sport, whose goalis to catch a huge ball with any part of the body, by the team called to receive, before it touches the ground. Whoever catches the ball throws it back to the other team and the game continues until a foul is committed.

You'll have fun!

You can also try out MINI-TENNIS, ARCHERY, VOLEIBOL, CHESS and PELOTA, as well as various sports exhibitions.

All participants will be invited to a healthy breakfast (11:30-12:30).

At 13:00 we will enjoy our "Olympic moment".

There will be a figure skating exhibition, at positionfrom the "LarreBeriain" Club.

... and to round off the event there will be a prize draw.

What are you waiting for?

United for sport!



data from contact

Montserrat Oyague

Montserrat Oyague

Olympic programs of study Center
University of Navarra
Campus University s/n

+34 948 425638