¿What we are looking for in our students?

This Degree is for you if you have...
Knowledge of mathematics, physics and graphics (drawing) at the level of 2nd grade and interest in scientific and technological subjects. high school diploma and interest in scientific and technological subjects.
Facility to use spatial relationships as a means of communication.
Creativity and imagination.
Organizational skills, work (individual and team) and management, as well as leadership and responsibility assumption skills.
training and humanistic restlessness.
knowledge of Spanish equivalent to Diploma of Spanish Level B2 or similar (for foreign students whose language mother tongue is not Spanish).
How is our process of Admissions Office?

Apply for admission in the Portal miUNAV.
Find out the dates and deadlines dates and deadlines.
Take the admission tests.
We will make a weighted average of your grade of 1st year of high school diploma (60%) and our admission test (40%). The committee Admission School will resolve your application.
We will inform you in the Portal myUNAV of the status of your application admission.
Once you have been admitted you can proceed to pay your enrollment. Find out about the UNAV payment methods.
Any questions? Contact us at contact and we will be happy to help you.
Luis Gonzalo Pascual
Head of Admissions for Degree
The test of admission

The access test is worth 40% of the final grade , and the grade average is worth 60%. high school diploma60%.
Students resident in Spain
The admission test will be in person at campus in Pamplona and will consist of:
test subject test of academic questions of high school diplomaMathematics, Physics and Geometry.
test internship creativity that each student should execute.
test level of English.
International students (they are studying at university outside Spain)
For non-residents in Spain, the test admission process will be carried out completely online and will consist of:
test subject test of academic questions of high school diplomaMathematics, Physics and Geometry.
test internship of creativity to be executed by student (information will be sent upon application).
test level of Spanish and English.
Interview with the delegate of Admissions Office in your country.