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Visor de contenido web (Global)

Visor de contenido web (Global)


Cabecera: Información adicional 2023

  • Title degree scroll official
  • Credits 300 credits
  • <span>Duration</span> 5 years
  • modality On-site
  • <span>Language</span> Spanish and English
  • Campus Pamplona
  • Places 100 places
  • Centre School of Architecture

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Aplicaciones anidadas

Visor de contenido web (Global)

The art and technique of designing, projecting, and building.

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With the Degree in programs of study of Architecture you will learn the creative and technical tradition of building forms and spaces under an order, in a global and international environment that demands not only new collaborative skills, but new environmental commitments in the service of society.


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The best of everyday life at the School

Do you want to know what they do 
our students?

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Upcoming events

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The specialization mentions will help you focus your training and your skills towards a more specific career path. Choose the one that best suits you!

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Creative Management

accredited specialization at management from project Creative

It provides skills for project management in studios or architectural and engineering firms, creative projects, virtual reality, design interiors, exhibitions, team leadership design, among others.


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student from School of Architecture in the workshops

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Urban Management

accredited specialization at management of project Urbano

The professional profile includes competences in design and management public or private of urban and territorial areas, management of patrimonies, design of landscape, urban rehabilitation, advanced handling of Geographic Information System (GIS), among others.


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Visor de contenido web (Global)

exhibition of San Fermin posters in the School

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Tech Management

accredited specialization at management from project Technical

It includes competences in technical coordination in engineering and architectural studies or companies, design and management of construction processes and systems, site management, technical evaluation of buildings, management of energy rehabilitation, etc.


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Students drawing in the campus

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Aplicaciones anidadas

Visor de contenido web (Global)


Write us and we will try to help you

You can ask us anything you want, we are not bots, shall we chat?

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Luis Gonzalo Pascual

Head of Admissions for Degree

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diary a video call

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Learn about upcoming events, receive useful information and get tips to advance your admissions process.
Join group on Whastapp for prospective students!

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Do you want more reasons?

We are looking for students with facility to use spatial relations as a means of communication, with organizational skills, work and management and with the ability to lead and take responsibility. In addition, they should have creativity and imagination, training and humanistic interest and interest in scientific and technological subjects.

Visor de contenido web (Global)

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Aplicaciones anidadas

Visor de contenido web (Global)


We are committed to teaching for projects, many of them real thanks to partnership with companies or institutions.

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We offer personalized attention through our teachers and the person manager of the career guidance.

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During the Degree, you will spend academic stays in cities such as Holland, Copenhagen, Milan, London, Rome...

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Aplicaciones anidadas

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We offer you:

training at management, increasingly necessary for the architect's professional practice: entrepreneurship, Personnel Management Service, management business and commercial, marketing, professional skills, etc.

internationalization of the teaching with the option of taking subjects in English, the presence of professionals of international prestige and the possibility of doing a exchange or an internship in other countries.

Visor de contenido web (Global)

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Aplicaciones anidadas

Visor de contenido web (Global)


Let nothing hold you back from your future

From the beginning of the University of Navarra, we have worked to ensure that no student with the ability to study with us is left without fulfilling his or her dream for financial reasons.

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Program in Innovation & Entrepreneurship

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Program in Innovation & Entrepreneurship

The first university Entrepreneurship program that blends in seamlessly with your degree program

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Impact of our teaching, research and transfer of knowledge

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Aplicaciones anidadas

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The University, second best in Spain according to the CYD 2024 ranking. +

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The University, among the top 100 universities in the world in 7 subjects of the QS 2025 ranking . +

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5 teaching areas of the University, among the best in the world according to the Times Higher Education 2023 ranking . +

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The University obtains the HR Excellence in Research seal that accredits it as an entity committed to quality in the management of human resources at research (2020). +

Aplicaciones anidadas

Visor de contenido web (Global)


Visor de contenido web (Global)