Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas


Aplicaciones anidadas


Pen, camera, action! Script writing

Pablo Echart With With Pablo Echartprofessor of screenwriting and analysis of film scripts

Aplicaciones anidadas


Pablo Echart


Get your popcorn ready, because in the latest episode of the podcast "With good words", we are going to delve into the world of cinema. Pablo Echart, professor of film script writing and analysis, will introduce us to the writing of this genre.

student Many young people are interested in the world of writing in general and screenwriting in particular. What does it take to be a good screenwriter? Can a student of language and literature devote himself/herself to screenwriting? And what is the importance of text in a universe where image is the main focus?

Learnings from episode 10:

- Narrative and cinematographic text: differences and similarities
- Relationship between cinema and literature
- Adaptations
- Techniques for screenwriting
- Differences between film and theater screenplays
- Tips to get started in screenwriting

 Listen to it on Spotify
