Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas



Aplicaciones anidadas


Autobiographical writing:
a game of mirrors

Maria Delgado With Ana Belén Martínezlanguage, professor of , Literature and Communication at language English at the University of Navarra.

Aplicaciones anidadas


Ana Belén Martínez


Are social networks a new form of autobiography? Can life writing be a way to knowledge of one's own world? To what extent does writing have a transformative power? To what extent does the autobiographical genre mirror social reality?

We talked about all this with Ana Belén Martínez, professor at Degree in language and Spanish Literature at the University of Navarra. In recent years, she has focused her research on autobiographical narratives of a testimonial nature, with special emphasis on the stories of young women activists.

Learnings from episode 9:

- An approach to life writing
- New forms of autobiography
- Literature as a way of self-knowledge
- Literature as a therapeutic tool
- The contribution of other disciplines to Literature
- Relationship between literature and social reality
- How to get started in autobiographical writing

 Listen to it on Spotify
