Ruta de navegación



Aplicaciones anidadas


procedure for admission


  • From March 1 to April 30 of each year: deadline for presentation of applications for access to doctorate. The candidate that complies with the requirements of access will present the form application of admission in the administrative office Technical research, which will proceed to its registration and subsequent sending to the Academic Committee of the doctoral program. The application with its approval will be sent to the School of doctorate, which will verify compliance with the requirements access requirements for its final approval. A maximum of 10 new vacancies are offered annually.

  • From May 1 to May 31 of each year: resolution of the applications submitted.

  • Once the candidatehas been accepted, it should be registered between September and October at Office of the Registrar.

The candidate that fulfills the access requirements requirements will make the application admission through the portal myUNAVdoctoral program The Academic Committee of the doctoral program will send the application with its approval to the School of doctorate, which will verify compliance with the requirements access requirements for its final approval.

In order to formalise the enrollment it is a prerequisite to have obtained admission. The application is processed at Office of the Registrar. The dates of enrollment and the price are regulated by the University of Navarra and can be consulted at Office of the Registrar of the University.

Each year, 10 new positions are offered .

Students with specific educational needs derived from disability will have at admissions process an academic advisor that will evaluate the need for possible curricular adaptations, alternative itineraries or programs of study .

The University of Navarra, in accordance with the provisions of Law 51/2003 of 2 December 2003 on equal opportunities, non-discrimination and universal accessibility for people with disabilities, provides students with disabilities with the appropriate study conditions and adaptations for their correct academic training, for which it carries out actions in the following areas:

  • Accessibility area: this involves adapting the physical university environment to the difficulties of students with disabilities, making the necessary architectural and communication adaptations.

  • Counselling and technical aids area: through individualised attention to each student student by their advisor, their study-related needs are identified and the support they require is determined. The University of Navarra's Scholarship Service provides information and advice on financial aid and benefits.

  • Awareness and training area: aimed at fostering positive attitudes towards disability in the university community, by carrying out and collaborating in training and awareness-raising activities.

  • Area of volunteer activities university: the aim is to promote and coordinate the university volunteer activities for the development of those tasks that support the study and accompaniment of students with disabilities.

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of doctorate

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