Conditions of use
2.1. Purpose and Scope of Application.
9.1. Links to other websites and social networking sites (links)
9.2. Links to the University of Navarra Website from third party websites.
9.3. Services provided by third parties outside the University of Navarra through its Website.
Title: Universidad de Navarra.
Registered Office:
Campus Universitario, S/N, Central Building. 31080 Pamplona (Navarra, Spain)
Phone number: (+34) 948 42 56 00
Fax: (+34) 948 42 56 56 16
Registered in the Register of Universities, Centres and Degrees of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of the Spanish Government under number 031.
Domain name:
2.1. Purpose and Scope of Application.
These are the general conditions that regulate the access, navigation and use of the web sites under the domain "" (hereinafter Website), as well as the responsibilities derived from the use of its contents (hereinafter "contents" are understood to be texts, graphics, drawings, designs, codes, software, photographs, music, videos, sounds, instructions of data, images, expressions and information, as well as any other creation protected by national laws and international treaties on intellectual and industrial property). Independently of these, the University of Navarra may establish specific conditions that regulate the use and/or contracting of specific services offered to Users through the Website.
It is understood that access to or mere use of the Website by the Username implies the user's adherence to the general conditions that the University of Navarra has published at each moment in which the Website is accessed and which will be available to users. Consequently, the Username should read these general conditions carefully.
In this sense, Username shall be understood to mean the person who accesses, browses, uses or participates in the services and activities, whether free or for a fee, carried out on the Website.
The headings of the individual clauses are for information only, and shall not affect, qualify or extend the interpretation of this Legal notice .
The temporary validity of the present notice Legal and any other texts included in the website of the owner, coincides with the time of its exhibition, until it is totally or partially modified, at which time the modified texts will come into force.
Regardless of the provisions of the specific conditions that may be established, the University of Navarra may terminate, fail or interrupt, at any time and without prior notice, access to the contents of the Website, without the possibility of Username being able to claim any compensation whatsoever. After such termination, the prohibitions on the use of the contents set out in the present notice Legal shall remain in force.
Likewise, if the Username breaches the present notice Legal, the Conditions of Use of the Website or any of the obligations established in the texts set forth herein, the University of Navarra may fail or cancel its profile automatically and without prior notice, and in no case will such suspension or cancellation entitle the Username to any compensation whatsoever. To this end, the University of Navarra informs that it may contact knowledge and collaborate with the competent police and judicial authorities if it detects any infringement of current legislation or if it suspects that a crime has been committed.
Should any provision of this Legal notice be declared null and void or inapplicable, in whole or in part, by any Court, Tribunal or competent administrative body, such nullity or inapplicability shall not affect the remaining provisions of this Legal .
The failure of the University of Navarra to exercise or enforce any right or provision contained in the present notice Legal shall not constitute Withdrawal .
Through the Website, the University of Navarra may enable third parties to advertise or provide their services. In these cases, the University of Navarra will not be responsible for establishing the general and specific conditions to be taken into account in the use, provision or contracting of these services by third parties and, therefore, cannot be held responsible for them.
Before using and/or contracting these specific services provided by the University of Navarra, Username must carefully read the corresponding specific conditions created for this purpose by the aforementioned third party entity. The use and/or contracting of these specific services implies acceptance of the particular conditions that regulate them in the version published on the University's Website at the time of said use and/or contracting.
Access to the Website by Users is free of charge. However, some of the services and content offered by the University of Navarra or third parties through the Website may be subject to the prior contracting of the service or product and the payment of a sum of money in the manner determined in the corresponding Particular Conditions, in which case they will be made clearly available.
When it is necessary for Username to register or provide personal data in order to access any of the services, the collection and processing of Users' personal data will be subject to the provisions of the Privacy Policy contained on the Website.
agreement The contracting of products and services through the Website by minors is prohibited, and they must duly obtain prior consent from their parents, guardians or legal representatives, who will be considered responsible for the acts carried out by minors at position, in accordance with current legislation.
The Username will use the contents of the website agreement with the law and public order, refraining from using them for purposes or effects contrary to the law, morality and good customs.
subject The Username will refrain from reproducing or copying, distributing, carrying out any act of public communication by itself or by third parties through any medium or format, transforming or modifying the contents, unless it has the authorisation of the holder of the copyright on the contents.
The University of Navarra places at the disposal of its users a channel at contact through which they can communicate and inform knowledge of the existence of any content which Username considers to be contrary to the law or which infringes the legitimate rights of third parties.
If Username has knowledge of any of the above circumstances, you should immediately inform the University of Navarra at knowledge , so that it can review the content statement and, if necessary, proceed to remove or disable it, by writing to the e-mail address
The contents included in the Website are provided only to consumers or end users. Any unauthorised commercial use or resale is prohibited, except with the prior written permission of the University of Navarra.
If for the use and/or contracting of a service on the Website, the Username should proceed to a procedure registration or login, the Username will be responsible for providing true and lawful information of which he/she is the exclusive owner. If, as a consequence of registration, the Username is provided with a password, he/she undertakes to use it diligently and to keep the password secret in order to access these services. Consequently, Users are responsible for the proper custody and confidentiality of any passwords supplied to them by the University of Navarra, and undertake not to cede their use to third parties, either temporarily or permanently, nor to allow access to them to third parties. Any use of the services by any third party using a password provided to Username for this purpose will be the responsibility of Username .
By virtue of the above, it is the obligation of Username to immediately notify the University of Navarra of any improper use of passwords, as well as of their theft or loss.
Until such events are communicated, the University of Navarra shall be exempt from any liability that may arise from the improper use of identifiers or passwords by unauthorised third parties.
Access to, browsing and use of the Website is the responsibility of Username, for which reason Username undertakes to diligently and faithfully observe any additional instructions given by the University of Navarra or its staff regarding the use of the Website and its contents. Likewise, you are urged to inform the aforementioned institution of any fact that you may have knowledge that may be contrary to the law or violate the rights of any third party.
Access to or use of the Website for illegal or unauthorised purposes, whether for profit or not, is not permitted and, therefore, the consequences thereof shall be the sole responsibility of Username. In particular, and without the following list being restrictive in nature, it is prohibited:
1. Use the Website in any way that may cause damage, interruptions, inefficiencies or defects in its operation or in the computer equipment of a third party;
2. Use the Website for the transmission, installation or publication of any viruses, malicious code or other harmful programs or files;
3. Use the Website to collect personal data of other users, without taking into account the current rules and regulations in subject data protection.
4. Use the Website illegally, against good faith, morality and public order;
5. Registering through the Website under a false identity, impersonating a third party or using a profile or performing any other action that may mislead other users as to the identity of Username;
6. Unauthorised access to any section of the Website, to other systems or networks connected to the Website, to the servers of the University of Navarra, or to the services offered through the Website, by means of hacking or falsification, extraction of passwords or any other illegitimate means;
7. Breach, or attempt to breach, the security or authentication measures of the Website or any network connected to it, or the security or protection measures inherent in the content offered on the Website;
8. Carry out any action that causes a disproportionate or unnecessary saturation of the infrastructure of the Website or the systems or networks of The University of Navarra, as well as the systems and networks connected to the Website; or
9. Impede the normal development of an event, contest, promotion or any other activity available through the Website or any of its functionalities, either by altering or trying to alter, illegally or in any other way, the access, participation or operation of the same, or by falsifying the result of the same and/or using fraudulent participation methods, by means of any procedure, and/or through any practice that violates or infringes the present notice Legal.
Failure to comply with any of the above obligations by Username may result in the University of Navarra adopting the appropriate measures protected by law and in the exercise of its rights or obligations, including the elimination or blocking of the account of the offending Username , without the possibility of any compensation for the damages caused.
Video chat, online sessions, surveys, blogs, blog comments, discussion forums, etc.
The University of Navarra is not responsible for the information and content stored, including but not limited to, in forums, chats, blog generators, comments, social networks or any other medium that allows third parties to publish content independently on the Website. Nevertheless, and in compliance with the provisions of art. 11 and 16 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on information society services and electronic commerce (LSSI), the University of Navarra places itself at the disposal of all Users, authorities and security forces, actively collaborating in the removal or, where appropriate, blocking of all content that could affect or contravene national or international legislation, the rights of third parties or morality and public order.
In the event that Username considers that there is any content on the Website that could be susceptible to this classification, please notify the website administrator( immediately.
In the event that Username sends or publishes contents of any subject on the Website, it declares, guarantees and accepts that it has the right to do so freely, that such information does not infringe any intellectual property right, trademark, patent, trade secret, or any other right that a third party may hold.
The Username acknowledges liability and will hold the University of Navarra harmless for any damages arising from any communication it provides personally or in its own name.
The University of Navarra reservation School to disseminate, publish, edit, transform and translate the contents sent by Username.
In the event that the contents sent by Users contain images, videos, etc., the Username declares, guarantees and accepts:
That he/she is of legal age.
That you are the author or copyright holder of the said production and that you have the right to submit it and that it does not infringe any intellectual property rights.
That the aforementioned images, videos, etc. have been taken with the consent of the persons appearing in them and that in the case of minors, the aforementioned consent has been given in writing by their legal representatives, parents or guardians and may be accredited at any time when required to do so.
The Username acknowledges that it assumes liability for the above matters and will indemnify the University against all damages that its wilful or negligent conduct may cause to the University as a result of its non-compliance.
The University of Navarra, at its discretion, reservation shall have the right to publicly communicate the work received in the manner it deems appropriate, and shall also be authorised to edit, reproduce, transform and publicly communicate it. To this end, the Username grants the University of Navarra, free of charge, all copyright (including but not limited to: the rights of reproduction, distribution, transformation and public communication, in all possible forms, in relation to the content sent). The aforementioned assignment is made for the whole world, for the maximum duration currently foreseen in the Intellectual Property Law and with express School assignment to third parties.
The University of Navarra does not guarantee the reliability, truthfulness and accuracy of the contents disseminated through the Website.
Consequently, the University of Navarra is not responsible for the following points:
The continuity of the contents of the Website.
The absence of errors in such content.
Any possible damage caused to Users by viruses and/or other harmful components that may be contained on the Website or on the server that hosts it.
The invulnerability of the Website and/or the impregnability of the security measures adopted therein.
The lack of usefulness or performance of the contents of the Website.
Any damage or harm caused to any person who infringes the conditions, rules and instructions that the University of Navarra provides on the Website. Likewise, the University of Navarra shall not be liable for any damage or harm caused to third parties in the event of a breach of the Website's security systems.
Nevertheless, the University of Navarra declares that it has adopted reasonable measures, from agreement with the technology available and its possibilities, to ensure the correct functioning of the Website and to avoid the existence and transmission to Users of viruses and other harmful components.
The University of Navarra does not guarantee the legality, reliability or usefulness of the content provided by third parties through the Website. If Username should have knowledge of the existence of any content that is illicit, illegal, contrary to the law or that could imply an infringement of the rights of third parties, it must immediately notify the owner entity so that it can proceed to adopt the appropriate measures.
The University of Navarra will not be responsible for the veracity, integrity or updating of the information published on the Website from outside sources, nor for that contained in other platforms to which link is linked from the Website. The University will not assume any responsibility for hypothetical damages that may arise from the use of the aforementioned information.
9.1. Links to other websites and social networking sites (links)
The University of Navarra may include buttons, links, banners, etc., on the Website that redirect to different web pages, known as links. All these elements are managed by third parties and the University of Navarra assumes no responsibility with respect to such links, the third party being responsible for their content and for the goods or services that may be offered through such pages.
The University of Navarra does not have the human or technical means to know in advance and/or control and/or approve all the information, contents, products or services provided by other platforms to which links may be established from the Website. Consequently, the University of Navarra cannot assume any responsibility subject for any aspect relating to the platform or web page to which a link may be established from the Website, specifically, including but not limited to, its operation, access, data, information, files, quality and reliability of its products and services, its own links and/or any of its contents, in general.
In this sense, if users have knowledge effective that the activities carried out through these third party websites are illegal or contravene morality and / or public order, they must immediately notify the Owner in order to proceed to disable the link access to them, an action that will be carried out as soon as possible.
The establishment of any subject of link by the web page to another external web page does not imply that there is any subject relationship, collaboration or dependence between the University of Navarra and the owner of said page.
The University of Navarra makes available to users, through different tools and applications, link that allow users to access the channels and pages of the Website that it maintains on different platforms and social networks belonging to and/or managed by third parties (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.). The inclusion of these links on the Website has the sole purpose of providing users with access to these channels on different platforms and social networks.
The establishment of these applications does not imply the existence of any relationship between the University of Navarra and the owner, manufacturer or distributor of the linked platform, nor does it imply the acceptance and approval by the owner of the Website of its contents and/or services, the owner, manufacturer or distributor being solely responsible for them.
In no case does the University of Navarra share with Facebook, Twitter or any other social network that may be incorporated in the future any subject of private information about its users, being its only purpose the one established in the conditions of use of this website. In this sense, all the information that the Username wishes to provide to these platforms will be under his/her own responsibility.
9.2. Links to the University of Navarra Website from third party websites.
If any entity or Username would like to establish any subject of link with destination on the website, please follow the instructions below.
The link must be absolute and complete, i.e. it must lead the Username, via a click, to the URL address itself.
The University of Navarra does not authorise the establishment of a link link to the Website from those web pages that do not respect its statement of core values or which manifestly promote discrimination of any kind subject, nor those with illicit content or which contravene morality, public order or generally accepted social norms.
The University of Navarra does not assume any responsibility subject for any aspect related to the web page that establishes this link with destination to the University's web page.
The University of Navarra may require the immediate withdrawal, without any justification whatsoever, of any third party that establishes a link on its website link to a page of the Website that does not comply with the above paragraphs.
9.3. Services provided by third parties outside the University of Navarra through its Website.
The University of Navarra does not guarantee the legality, legality, content, scope and reliability of the services provided by third parties through its Website or those that the University of Navarra disseminates on its Website that are outside its sphere of action.
The University of Navarra will not be held responsible for any damages that may be caused to Users or third parties as a result of contracting or enjoying the services provided by third parties through this page.
In particular, the University of Navarra shall not be liable for damages arising from:
Failure to comply with the law, morality or public order.
The incorporation of viruses or any other malicious computer code, file or programme that may damage, interrupt or prevent the normal operation of any software, hardware or telecommunications equipment.
Infringement of intellectual and industrial property rights, disclosure of third party know-how, unauthorised disclosure of business secrets, and those derived from any legal relationship to which the University of Navarra is not a party.
Carrying out acts that constitute unlawful, misleading or unfair advertising and, in general, that constitute unfair skill .
The lack of truthfulness, accuracy, quality and timeliness of the content transmitted, disseminated, stored, received, obtained, made available or accessible.
Non-performance, delayed performance, defective performance or termination for any reason of obligations contracted by third parties and contracts made with third parties.
The University of Navarra may, without prior notice notice, modify the terms and conditions stipulated herein, totally or partially, by publishing any change in the same form in which these general conditions appear or through any subject communication addressed to Users.
These general conditions shall remain in force as long as they are published; if after their initial publication any changes are made to subject , the new modified general conditions shall come into force.
Users will tacitly consent to the new conditions if they access the Website after such changes have taken place.
Without prejudice to the provisions of the specific conditions, the University of Navarra may give, interrupt, resolve or terminate access to the contents of its Website at any time without the need for prior notice, without the Username being able to demand any compensation from the University.
After such termination, the prohibitions on the use of the content provided for in this document shall continue to apply.
In the event of any discrepancy between the provisions of these general conditions and the particular conditions of each specific service, the provisions of the latter shall prevail.
In the event that any of the provisions of these general conditions should be considered null and void or inapplicable, in whole or in part, by the competent authority, such nullity or inapplicability will not affect the other provisions of the general conditions or the specific conditions of the different services provided by the University of Navarra through its Website.
The relations established between the University of Navarra and Username shall be governed by the provisions of the civil legislation of Navarra (regional law Nuevo) and, subsidiarily, by the rest of the foral or common legislation that may be applicable, unless this is expressly prohibited by the specific legislation at subject for consumers and users.
With regard to jurisdiction, the University of Navarra and Username will respect the provisions of the rules governing jurisdiction skill . In those cases in which said regulations provide for the possibility of the parties submitting to and choosing a regional law, the University of Navarra and the Username, with Withdrawal expressly agree to submit to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Pamplona, with express waiver of any other regional law that may correspond to them.