Ruta de navegación

Normativa y organización_cabecera

rules and regulations and organisation

Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas

Presentación - Normativa y organización

The doctoral program in Economics and business is part of the Doctoral School that the University of Navarra has implemented, in the framework established by the RD 99/2011, as a planning, coordination and monitoring body of the Doctoral Programmes, and the responsible for its development and organisation is the School of Economic and Business Sciences.

The Doctoral School offers on its website all the regulatory rules and regulations of the programs of study of doctorate (supervision of thesis , follow-up and permanence of PhD student, rules and regulations of reading of thesis ).

Information concerning scholarships and grants and the staff researcher scheme at training can be found at administrative office Technical research.

Aplicaciones anidadas

Escuela de Doctorado - Banner

of doctorate

Web School

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