The School of Economics and Business Sciences considers it essential to guarantee the quality of the degrees and services it offers. goal To this end, the university has implemented an Internal Quality Assurance System (SAIC) with the aim of carrying out a continuous monitoring and review of its degrees. This systematically covers the activities that the School carries out in order to promote the quality and continuous improvement of all the official qualifications (Degree, masters and doctorate) and the services it offers.
The School of Economics and Business Studies has a Quality Assurance Committee, in charge of promoting and supervising the quality management system.
With the incorporation of review and continuous improvement strategies, School aims to develop and monitor its actions, review and redefine them according to the needs and expectations of its stakeholders.
Quality Assurance System
Vice-Dean of Office of Academic Affairs: Cristina Etayo Pérez
Associate Dean manager of the doctorate Programs: Germán López Espinosa
Quality Coordinator: Mariana Martins Meirelles
Member of the Planning and Improvement of teaching Service: Sonsoles Sancha Zúñiga
faculty Representative: José Luis Álvarez Arce
Master's Degree student body representative: Elena Torre Salvatierra
student body Representative (Degrees in ADE): Inés Encío Avelló
student body representative (Degrees in ECO): Fernando Sánchez-Carpintero García
student body representative (doctorate ECO): Diego San Román Jouve
student body representative (doctorate GOB): Rodrigo Enmanuel Banda Lazarte
One PAS representative: Begoña Fuentes Oropesa
One Employer and Alumni representative: Gabriel Lucas Lerga
Alumni representative: Álvaro Bañón Irujo
employers representative: Miguel García de Eulate
Improvement plan of Degree in Business Administration and Management
Plan for the improvement of the Degree Economics
Improvement plan for Master's Degree in Economics and Finance
Improvement plan of Master's Degree in Personnel Management Service in Organizations
Improvement plan for Master's Degree in Banking and Financial Regulation
Improvement plan for Master's Degree in Organizational Governance and Culture
Improvement plan for doctorate at Economics y business
Improvement plan for doctorate in Organizational Governance and Culture
Satisfaction Results
Official documentation of diplomas
Official degrees, such as this one, have been verified by the committee of Universities and are subject to the monitoring and accreditation processes established by law. In these processes, the report of the degree is evaluated and approved, which is the document that contains all the relevant planning information.
Both the report and the reports issued in the different processes are linked below:
Date |
Process |
01/07/20 |
21/04/20 |
report of the Verifica |
09/06/20 |
report definitive National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation (Verify) |
02/07/20 |
Resolution of the committee of Universities (Verifica) |
17/09/20 |
Resolution of the committee of Ministers (Verifica) |
20/10/20 |
Publication of Study program in the BOE (Verifica) |
18/03/2023 |
report definitive National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation (Monitor) |
11/11/24 |
report definitive National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation (Modifies) |
18/11/24 |
report current title |
---------- |
Official degrees, such as this one, have been verified by the committee of Universities and are subject to the monitoring and accreditation processes established by law. In these processes, the report of the degree is evaluated and approved, which is the document that contains all the relevant planning information.
Both the report and the reports issued in the different processes are linked below:
Official degrees, such as this one, have been verified by the committee of Universities and are subject to the monitoring and accreditation processes established by law. In these processes, the report of the degree is evaluated and approved, which is the document that contains all the relevant planning information.
Both the report and the reports issued in the different processes are linked below:
Date |
Process |
17/09/20 |
21/04/20 |
report of the Verifica |
28/07/20 |
report definitive National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation (Verify) |
17/09/20 |
Resolution of the committee of Universities (Verifica) |
22/01/20 |
Resolution of the committee of Ministers (Verifica) |
08/02/21 |
Publication of Study program in the BOE (Verifica) |
18/03/23 |
report definitive National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation (Monitor) |
11/11/24 |
report definitive National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation (Modifies) |
18/11/24 |
report current title |
---------- |
Official degrees, such as this one, have been verified by the committee of Universities and are subject to the monitoring and accreditation processes established by law. In these processes, the report of the degree is evaluated and approved, which is the document that contains all the relevant planning information.
Both the report and the reports issued in the different processes are linked below:
Official degrees, such as this one, have been verified by the committee of Universities and are subject to the monitoring and accreditation processes established by law. In these processes, the report of the degree is evaluated and approved, which is the document that contains all the relevant planning information.
Both the report and the reports issued in the different processes are linked below:
Date |
Process |
---------- |
Degree competences |
---------- |
Record of Universities, Centers and Degrees of the curriculum |
28/01/2009 |
Final evaluation report (Verify) |
06/07/2009 |
Council Resolution of Universities (Verifica) |
09/10/2009 |
Resolution Council of Ministers (Verifies) |
04/03/2010 |
BOE publication (Verify) |
20/09/2012 |
National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation Report (Monitor) |
22/03/2012 |
National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation Report (Modifies) |
01/07/2013 |
BOE publication (Amends) |
2015 |
Self-assessment report Acreditation |
11/05/2015 |
National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation Report (Acredita) |
03/06/2015 |
Council Resolution of Universities (Acredita) |
2015 |
Accredits Improvement plan |
26/03/2018 |
National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation Report (Modifies) |
04/05/2018 |
BOE publication (Amends) |
12/09/2018 |
Self-assessment second Report Accreditation |
08/05/2019 |
National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation second Report (Acredita) |
05/06/2019 |
Council Resolution of Universities (Renewal Accreditation) |
07/02/2023 |
Certified Degree report |
01/06/2023 |
National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation Report (Modifies) |
18/07/2023 |
Council Resolution of Universities (Modifies) |
11/09/2023 |
BOE publication (Amends) |
Official degrees, such as this one, have been verified by the committee of Universities and are subject to the monitoring and accreditation processes established by law. In these processes, the report of the degree is evaluated and approved, which is the document that contains all the relevant planning information.
Both the report and the reports issued in the different processes are linked below:
Date |
Process |
--- |
Master's degree competences |
--- |
Entry in the Register of Universities, Centres and Degrees |
27/07/2011 |
Report final evaluation (Verifica) |
03/11/2011 |
Resolution committee of Universities (Verifica) |
07/01/2012 |
agreement of the committee of Ministers that establishes the official character of the degree. |
07/02/2012 |
Publication of Study program in the BOE |
01/03/2015 |
Report National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation (Monitor) |
2015 |
Report Self-evaluation renewal (Acredita) |
03/06/2015 |
Report Final renewal (Acredita) |
08/07/2015 |
Resolution of committee of Universities for the renewal (Acredita) |
2015 |
Improvement Plan (Acredita) |
28/07/2017 |
Report National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation (Modifies) |
10/10/2017 |
Report National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation (Modifies) |
2017 |
report current title |
09/07/2019 |
Report Final 2nd renewal (Acredita) |
19/07/2019 |
Resolution of the committee of Universities for the 2nd renewal (Acredita) |
23/10/2024 |
Report National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation (Modifies) |
Official degrees, such as this one, have been verified by the committee of Universities and are subject to the monitoring and accreditation processes established by law. In these processes, the report of the degree is evaluated and approved, which is the document that contains all the relevant planning information.
Both the report and the reports issued in the different processes are linked below:
Date |
Process |
--- |
Master's degree competences |
--- |
Registration in the Register of Universities, Centres and Degrees |
24/05/2010 |
Report final evaluation (Verifica) |
01/07/2010 |
Resolution of the committee of Universities (Verifica) |
16/12/2010 |
Agreement of the committee of Ministers which establishes the official nature of the title |
28/02/2011 |
Publication of Study program in the BOE |
20/09/2012 |
Report National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation (Monitor) |
22/05/2015 |
Report National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation (Modifies) |
2015 |
Report Self-evaluation renewal (Acredita) |
18/05/2016 |
Report Final renewal (Acredita) |
14/06/2016 |
Resolution of committee of Universities for the renewal (Acredita) |
29/09/2016 |
Report National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation (Modifies) |
2016 |
Improvement plan (Acredita) |
25/10/2018 |
Report Current Title |
04/02/2019 |
Report National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation (Modifies) |
02/03/2019 |
Publication of Study program in the BOE |
17/06/2019 |
Report Self-assessment (2nd ACREDITA renewal) |
22/04/2020 |
Report Final 2nd renewal (Acredita) |
18/05/2020 |
Resolution of the committee of Universities for the 2nd renewal (Acredita) |
05/12/2023 |
Report National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation (Monitor) |
24/10/2024 |
Report National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation (Modifies) |
04/11/2024 |
Report Title in force |
Official degrees, such as this one, have been verified by the committee of Universities and are subject to the monitoring and accreditation processes established by law. In these processes, the report of the degree is evaluated and approved, which is the document that contains all the relevant planning information.
Both the report and the reports issued in the different processes are linked below:
Date |
Process |
--- |
Master's degree competences |
--- |
RUCT (Register of Universities, Centres and Degrees) |
--- |
Verification process of official university degrees |
13/11/2023 |
report current title |
--- |
Publication in the BOE |
--- |
report for verification |
--- |
report for monitoring the degree. National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation |
--- |
report self-assessment. National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation |
--- |
Title indicators |
09/01/2015 |
assessment from proposal for modification of the Study program |
11/04/2015 |
report Final Renewal of Accreditation |
2015 |
2015 Resolution of renewal of accreditation |
12/04/2018 |
report self-assessment |
10/01/2019 |
report Final Renewal of Accreditation |
12/03/2019 |
Renewal of Accreditation |
Official degrees, such as this one, have been verified by the committee of Universities and are subject to the monitoring and accreditation processes established by law. In these processes, the report of the degree is evaluated and approved, which is the document that contains all the relevant planning information.
Both the report and the reports issued in the different processes are linked below:
Date |
Process |
--- |
Register of Universities, Centres and Degrees of the Study program |
08-10-2012 |
report favorable from degree scroll (Verify) |
08-01-2013 |
Resolution of the committee of Universities (Verifica) |
22-04-2013 |
Resolution administrative office General of Universities (Verifies) |
04-12-2017 |
report monitoring (Monitor) |
--- |
report self-assessment (Acredita) |
27-07-2018 |
report favorable renewal (Acredita) |
30-10-2018 |
Resolution committee of Universities renewal (Acredita) |
13-01-2020 |
report favorable from degree scroll (Modifies) |
23-12-2020 |
report favorable from degree scroll (Modifies) |
20-03-2023 |
report current title |
27-07-2023 |
report favorable from degree scroll (Modifies) |
06-09-2023 |
Resolution committee of Universities (Modifies) |
31-01-2024 |
report of self-assessment of the 2nd renewal of the accreditation |
Official degrees, such as this one, have been verified by the committee of Universities and are subject to the monitoring and accreditation processes established by law. In these processes, the report of the degree is evaluated and approved, which is the document that contains all the relevant planning information.
Both the report and the reports issued in the different processes are linked below:
Date |
Process |
--- |
Register of Universities, Centres and Degrees of the Study program |
30-07-2012 |
report favorable from degree scroll (Verify) |
22-04-2013 |
agreement of the committee of Ministers (Verifica) |
04-12-2017 |
report monitoring (Monitor) |
FEB-2018 |
report self-assessment (Acredita) |
30-10-2018 |
report favorable renewal (Acredita) |
31-10-2018 |
Resolution committee of Universities renewal (Acredita) |
01-06-2020 |
report favorable from degree scroll (Modifies) |
11-07-2023 |
report favorable from degree scroll (Modifies) |
18-04-2023 |
report current title |
31-01-2024 |
report of self-assessment of the 2nd renewal of the accreditation |
Operating rules:
→ The processing of the information received is completely confidential.
→ Only those data provided by users of the suggestion box that are respectful, truthful, accurate, complete and up to date will be taken into account.
→ The manager of supervising the mailbox forwards the suggestions, claims, complaints and congratulations received to the manager of each process (according to annex 3 of PE1).
→ The manager of each process responds to the Username to the sender's email address and also assesses the inclusion of the complaint or suggestion in the corresponding results analysis report .