
Management Assistance


Management Assistance


María Goñi Vidal

Executive Manager

Phone number: +34 948 42 56 00 Extension: 803401


Eduardo Herrera

manager of Own Teachings

Phone: +34 948 425600 Extension: 803448

Cristina Bozal

Publications Editor

Phone: +34 948 425600 Extension: 802613

Claudia Osinaga

TFG, validations and Purchases

Phone: +34 948 425600 Extension: 805691

Leire Uribeetxebarria

Validations and Programs of doctorate

Telephone: +34 948 425600 Extension: 802444

Begoña Fuentes Oropesa

Coordinator. area of Quality and Office of Academic Affairs

Telephone: +34 948 425600 Extension: 802513

Adria Gracia Liñero

Coordination of Studies

Phone: +34 948 425600
Extension: 803206

Amaia Urtasun

Incoming students and Partnership

Telephone: +34 948 42 56 00
Extension: 802436

Teresa Erroz Pérez

Travel and catering

Phone: +34 948 425600
Extension: 802443

Marisa Oroz Baztán

Academic staff

Phone: +34 948 425600
Extension: 803210

Paloma Cia Alcalá

Coordination of Studies

Phone: +34 948 425600
Extension: 802188

Silvia Zárate Carlier

Outgoing Students

Phone: +34 948 42 56 00
Extension: 803467

Mamen Cabezón Resano

Payments, Invoices and Proprietary Teachings

Phone: +34 948 425600
Extension: 803209

Carmen Cueto

MEF Coordinator. Promotion

Phone: +34 948 425600
Extension: 802365

Mariana Meirelles

Undergraduate Program Management & External Accreditation

Phone: +34 948 425600
Extension: 802541