Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas




The America Forum supports and promotes research in architecture through two actions: advice on the conservation and dissemination of architectural archives; and the offer of places for the realization of a doctoral program in the School of Architecture of the University of Navarra.

Aplicaciones anidadas


Places to carry out the doctorate

Aplicaciones anidadas


If you wish to do the doctorate at School of Architecture of the University of Navarra, the following places are available:




Beatriz Gil Rodríguez

- design of structural steel joints

Jorge Tárrago Mingo

- Modern American architecture s. XX
- Migrations and cultural contaminations between Europe and America in the field of architecture.
- Photography and architectural photographers s. XX

César Martín-Gómez

- Fire protection
- management of water in buildings
- Thermoelectricity
- Hospital installations
- Biomimicry
- Integration of installations and energy systems in buildings

José Ángel Medina Murua

- Education of the online architecture

José Manuel Cabrero Ballarín

- Timber construction, structure-architecture relation

María Angélica Martínez Rodríguez

- The European influence on public buildings in Latin America: the jewels of the city

Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas


If you would like to apply for any of the positions listed above, please contact us.


Aplicaciones anidadas


Advice on the preservation and dissemination of architectural archives.

Aplicaciones anidadas


The file General of the University of Navarra offers three services to the members of the America Forum, which are related to the functions of all file: conservation, treatment and dissemination of documents.

Aplicaciones anidadas



Possibility of giving an online course, lasting 8 hours, addressing the basic issues faced by an architectural file : donation and its legal issues, collection and transfer, installation of the different typologies and their conservation materials, description and its different tools, minimal restoration, digitization, dissemination (database, exhibitions, social networks, etc.), legal issues to be taken into account in terms of dissemination and, finally, the conditions of the premises in which the file is installed (humidity and temperature, fire protection, etc.).



Personalized post-course guidance for those who may require it, according to their status and their problems, inclusion in the AGUN website, in its Architecture archives section, of a section for these Forum America collections, within the architects' page, which link directly with their websites (or whatever is decided). The description tools, digitizations and dissemination actions to be carried out can be included there.

Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas


If you would like to receive more information about the archives, please contact us.
