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Aplicaciones anidadas




The Americas Forum currently has two exhibitions available for touring in member countries and universities.

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Aplicaciones anidadas








Aplicaciones anidadas


A compilation of the works of reference letter of 32 Latin American architects who are among the most relevant of their respective countries and whose common link lies in their passage through the classrooms of Master's Degree in Theory and design Architectural


The Master's Degree in Architectural Theory and design (MTDA, formerly MDA), which in 2020 celebrated its twentieth anniversary with the graduation of the XX promotion, has turned Pamplona and its School of Architecture "into places of meeting and learning for more than two hundred young architects of twenty different nationalities, who, driven by various reasons, left behind universities, programs of study, families and homes to undertake an exciting journey whose destination has been intellectual growth and professional excellence," explains in his presentation the director of postgraduate program, Professor Dr. Arq. Luis Suárez Mansilla.

For the Full Professor of Architectural Projects Miguel Ángel Alonso del Val, Curriculum "should serve as a sample of sincere gratitude to all of them. And also as sample that the quality of a program and of a School is the quality of its alumni, of the people who have been transformed by an institution that cares for them as unique beings who, endowed with shared feelings, are capable of spreading throughout America, with their work and their teaching, the values of an architecture rooted in their culture".



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Experience talks about the work of alumni of Master's Degree in design and management Environmental of Buildings. We sample the experience of these first 10 years of Master's Degree training in sustainable and regenerative architecture.


"The growing concern for sustainable development and climate change motivated the b irth in 2010 of theMaster's Degree in design and management Environmental of Buildings (MDGAE) with the goal to train experts in environmental, social and economic sustainability; in design of sustainable and regenerative buildings; in quantification of sustainability (energy simulation and life cycle analysis); and in validation of sustainable architecture (building monitoring and environmental certifications). The name of Master's Degree underlines the goal we are pursuing: the environmental dimension is inherent to both the architectural design and its management.

This exhibition sample us the experience of these first 10 years in training in sustainable and regenerative architecture. But above all it talks about our alumni and their work. During these years, students from different cultures, educational profiles and previous professional experiences have coexisted in class , who now work in different companies around the world, but all of them have a common denominator: the MDGE". Words by Ana Sánchez Ostiz, director of the MDGAE (2011-2022).


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Aplicaciones anidadas


If you would like to receive any of these exhibitions in your institution, please contact us.