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Participation modalities

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Cómo participar tex

Forun has two modalities of participation: poster and video.

In all the modalities a written work of research is presented (the extension varies according to the modality) that will be presented on the day of the congress by means of a poster or video.

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poster tit



1. Groups of 3 to 5 studentsmay participate.

2. The communication should be between 7 and 12 pages (3,500 and 6,000 words).

3. The language of the communication may be Spanish or English.

4. Written papers should attempt to propose a solution to the problem under study and should not be merely theoretical discourses.

5. The poster will be presented orally on the day of the congress,March 1 , 2025.

6. February 10, 2025 is the deadline for submission of the written work , which should be sent to in PDF format. The poster is due on February 28, 2025 and should be taken in physical format to Central Building and sent to in PDF format.

7. The professor manager of the group - who must be a doctor or PhD student with at least three years of thesis - must fill in and send the report of the work in which he/she will guarantee the quality of the written work and the poster. It should be sent to clearly indicating the name of group in the subject line.

8. On the day of the congress the work will be presented orally in front of the jury. The exhibition shall be accompanied by a poster and shall not exceed 5 minutes, with a subsequent question and answer session. The poster shall only gloss the essentials of the work, taking into account the established formal requirements.

b) summary (5-10 lines)

c) Introduction: presentation of topic, of the objectives and of the methodology used (this information is also requested on the registration form).

d) Text of the communication

e) Conclusions

f) bibliography

b) Spacing: single line spacing

(c) The pages shall be numbered on the bottom right-hand side.

d) Pagesshall have no header or logo.

Measures against plagiarism

- All written papers will be analyzed by Turnitin, the tool prevention plagiarism used by the university. A report of Turnitin analyzes the percentage of similarity with other existing papers on the Internet. The maximum percentage of similarity accepted in the submitted papers is 0-30%. That is, the work that presents a similarity percentage of 30% or higher will be automatically disqualified .

- It is worth remembering that some ways of committing plagiarism are: presenting someone else's work as one's own, including sentences, paragraphs or ideas from other authors without citing their origin or authorship, not using quotation marks in a literal quotation , giving incorrect information about the true source of a quotation or paraphrasing a source without mentioning the source.

- Basic instructions on references and citations can be reviewed on the FORUN website. 

Usage Policy manager for GPT Chat and other generative artificial intelligence chatbots

- If you provide minimal effort prompts, the results will be of leave quality. Perfecting prompts for good results requires internship and work.

- From entrance you should not trust anything it tells you. If it gives you a issue or a piece of information, you should assume it is incorrect unless you know the answer or can check with another source. Each group will be manager of any errors or omissions provided by the tool. This subject of chatbots works best for topics where you have a minimum of knowledge.

- AI is a useful tool , but you should acknowledge its use. A paragraph should be included at the end of the work explaining what the AI was used for and what prompts were used to obtain the results. Failure to do so is a violation of academic honesty policies.

- Books: Llano, Alejandro, Repensar la Universidad. La universidad ante lo nuevo, Eiunsa, Barcelona, 2003.

- Book chapters: Villey, Michel, "Pour un authentique droit naturel", in Villey, Michel, La formation de la pensée juridique moderne, PUF, Paris, 2006, pp. 372-374.

-Articles: Stocken, Frederick, "Music as a Christian Art", in Second Spring, 5 (2004), pp. 55-59.

• Artículos en webs: - Blogs: Mead, Walter Russell, "Back To School", en Blog de Russell Mead - The American Interest, publicado el 31 de agosto de 2010, URL = <>

b) A list of all works cited should be included in the finalbibliography , in the same format as for footnotes.

1. The names of all team members and director of work must appear in the header, as well as degree scroll of discussion paper.

2. The poster shall be sent on February 28, 2025, in PDF format to In addition, on that day, submit should also be printed in A1 size at reception of Central Building. 

3. The director of work has to guarantee on its report the quality of the poster provided. 

4. Clarity and ability to synthesise ideas will be valued.

5. Those students who do not study at the University of Navarra's Pamplona campus campus may submit their printedposter on March 1 until average hour before the start of the presentations. 

The model of poster presented is indicative, the design as well as the layout of the information and the typography are free to choose.

1. report of director of work (rubric that the teacher will receive to evaluate the work):

- Organization of work by group.

- Active participation of all members of group. 

- Interest of the readings and issues discussed at the meetings of group.

2. Written communication:

- Organization : the text follows a clear structure. It contributes to its reading and comprehension.

- Form : the text shows cohesion and coherence in its essay, in the approach to ideas and in the discussion.

- Thematic relevance : the video contributes to the theme of congress.

-degree scroll: clearly reflects the content of the text. 

- Discussion and conclusions: evaluates the scope of the proposed goal . Demonstrates the impact of the results achieved.

- Content of the communication: interest of the chosen topic or approach , value of the contents, coherence of the conclusions reached with the proposed objectives and proposed solutions to the problems raised / issues addressed.

- Formal aspects : clarity in the objectives and structure of the written communication, rigor in the argumentation, methodology used, style and correctness.

3. poster:

- Ability to synthesize information

- Structure of the poster 

- Originality , creativity and innovation, always taking into account the academic nature of congress.

- Adequacy of the ideas presented in the written work to those presented in the poster.

4. exhibition:

- Clarity : the jury must receive the information from the speakers in a clear and structured manner.

- Ability to synthesize ideas

- Answers to possible questions

Aplicaciones anidadas




1. Groups of 3 to 5 studentsmay participate.

2. The communication should be between 4 and 7 pages (2,000 and 3,500 words).

3. The video must be no longer than 4 minutes in length

4. That the images are self-made

5. The deadline for submission of the written work and video is February 10, 2025. The video should be uploaded on YouTube and the link should be sent to clearly indicating the name of the group in the subject line of the email.

6. The teacher manager of the group - who must be a doctor or PhD student with at least three years of thesis - must fill in and send the report of the work in which he/she will guarantee the quality of the written work and the video. It should be sent to clearly indicating the name of group in the subject line.

7. On Saturday, March 1, 2025 the group should go to the assigned classroom with a pendrive for the screening of the video preceded by a brief oral presentation (3 minutes) of the video. All students at group should participate on the day of congress.

1. report of director of work:

- Organization of work by group.

- Active participation of all members of group. 

- Interest in the readings and issues discussed at the meetings of group.

2. Written communication:

- Organization : the text follows a clear structure. It contributes to its reading and comprehension.

- Form : the text shows cohesion and coherence in its essay, in the approach to ideas and in the discussion.

- Thematic relevance : the communication contributes to the theme of congress.

-degree scroll: clearly reflects the content of the text. 

- Discussion and conclusions: evaluates the scope of the proposed goal . Demonstrates the impact of the results achieved.

- Content of the communication: interest of the chosen topic or approach , value of the contents, coherence of the conclusions reached with the proposed objectives and proposed solutions to the problems raised / issues addressed.

- Formal aspects : clarity in the objectives and structure of the written communication, rigor in the argumentation, methodology used, style and correctness.

3. Video:

- Image and sound quality

- Originality , creativity and innovation, always taking into account the academic nature of congress.

- Staging .

- Adaptation of the ideas presented in the written work to those presented in the video.

- Use of own images.

4. exhibition:

- Clarity : the jury must receive the information from the speakers in a clear and structured manner.

- Ability to synthesize ideas

- Answers to possible questions

a) Cover page: degree scroll of work; name and university of the authors; name and university of director/es

b) summary (5-10 lines)

c) Introduction: presentation of topic, of the objectives and of the methodology used (this information is also requested on the registration form).

d) Text of the communication

e) Conclusions

f) bibliography

a) When a text is quoted in inverted commas or reference letter is made to a work, a footnote grade should be placed in the following format:

- Books : Llano, Alejandro, Repensar la Universidad. La universidad ante lo nuevo, Eiunsa, Barcelona, 2003.

- Book chapters : Villey, Michel, "Pour un authentique droit naturel", in Villey, Michel, La formation de la pensée juridique moderne, PUF, Paris, 2006, pp. 372-374.

- Articles : Stocken, Frederick, "Music as a Christian Art", in Second Spring, 5 (2004), pp. 55-59.

• Artículos en webs: - Blogs: Mead, Walter Russell, "Back To School", en Blog de Russell Mead - The American Interest, publicado el 31 de agosto de 2010, URL = <>

b) A list of all works cited should be included in the final bibliography , in the same format as for footnotes.