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FORUN 2021 bloque



Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas


The Forum of the University of Navarra (FORUN) is an annualcongress by students for students. It is a space for reflection and dialogue on university values, as well as on issues that affect our world.

It is based on the conviction that the university years are a time not only of intellectual learning, but also of commitment staff to the betterment of society.

FORUN encourages the relationship between teachers and students from different careers to reflect on values related to the person and culture.

It is also an opportunity to enhance the interdisciplinarytraining and to seek positive and creative responses to the issues facing our society.

Aplicaciones anidadas

Tema general del FORUN

topic general FORUN

FORUN 2024 is held under the degree scroll The Human Factor. The topic is taken from the congress International Univ Forum held annually in Rome since 1968.

Forun is a point of meeting for communication and university discussion . The congress has as goal to encourage dialogue on the issues of man and culture today, in addition to proposing initiatives of social impact among young people from the five continents.

Aplicaciones anidadas

Comité organizador y científico

committee organiser and scientist

School of Architecture: Ana Sánchez-Ostiz. Miguel Ángel Alonso. Asier Santas and César Martín

School of Science: Javier Novo, Luis Montuenga. Jorge Iriarte and Mar Cuadrado

School from speech: Samuel Negredo

School de Derecho: Asun de la Iglesia, Pilar Arregui and Ángela Aparisi

Schools Ecclesiastical: Javier Sánchez Cañizares, Vicente Balaguer Beltrán and Rodrigo Muñoz de Juana

School of Economics and Business Studies: Antonio Moreno Ibañez and Luis Ravina

School of Education and Psychology: Alfonso Osorio, Sonia Rivas and Ana Costa

School of Nursing: Hildegart González

School of Pharmacy: Amelia Martí and Elena Puerta

School de Philosophy y Letras: Chema Torralba, Alejandro Vigo, Pablo Pérez y José Torres

ISSA: Naiara Ardanaz, Maria del Carmen Erviti and Ana Mª Fernández Vallejo

School of Medicine: Luis Echarte and Pilar León

Tecnun: Ángel Rubio

Chair: Rosalía Baena, Vice President of Students

Academic Directorate: 

► Raquel Cascales, School of Architecture 

► Jürg Kaufmann, School Communication.

administrative office General:

► Teresa Domingo, assistant to the the Vice President of Students.

► Ana Cris Garcés, administrative assistant of Office of the Executive Council

committee Academic and management:

► Elena de Yzaguirre Bahillo (4th Law and Philosophy)

► Adrián Tomás Torres Palés (4th Biochemistry )

► Rosa María Elías Gracia (3rd Marketing) 

► Iago Cid (3rd PPE)

► Mariana López-Ortega Alvarez (3rd Psychology)

► Fernando González Castello (2nd year Industrial Organization Engineering)

► Borja Montero Vega (4th Year Journalism)

► Ana Córdoba (language y Literatura)

► María Fernanda Rodríguez Solórzano (3rd Year Nutrition)

► Clara Jazmati Pérez (4th PPE)

► María Vacas (2nd Pharmacy and Nutrition)

Pablo Rodríguez-Villanueva (3rd RRII)

► Blanca Ezponda (4th PPE)

► María Latasa (4th PPE)

► Juan Alegría (5th Year History and Journalism)

► Mª Teresa Egea (2nd Law and IR)

► Pablo Monsiváis (2nd PPE)

► Candela Balboa (2nd Year Law and IR)

► Saioa Ochoa (4th Biochemistry )

► Mónica Terréu Seves (4th Year Law and IR)