
Good digital practices

This is a proposal of good practices, if you don't like them we have others! (modern adaptation of Groucho Marx).

Popular proverb : "Show me the messages you send and I will tell you what you are like" or in biblical formulation "by their messages you will know them".

Rule mainrule: The technological order does not replace the order staff, which is the important one. May it save us time, at least in the not too long term deadline.

Fundamentalrule : What is not urgent, is not urgent, especially if it is important.

Rule essential. Sign out of leave on an email account that you hardly use. Keeping it can be source of much confusion.

Advantage of a message versus a a call: it is recorded, especially if you put others on cc.

Types of receivers of a message:

- To: Person or persons to whom a message is addressed and from whom an action is expected. They can also be merely informative. If it is addressed to several people and an action is expected, it is important to specify what is expected from each of them. Example:

Ulysses, Penelope,
I I inform you that today has went out today the sun punctually.
could you knit a sweater a at moon by in case tomorrow no come out the sun? @Ulises, I expect the report of the sirens for tomorrow before 14.00.

- Cc: Person or persons to be informed of the sending of a message. The reasons may be:

  • Keep them informed of a communication.

  • That those who receive it are aware that these people are informed.

  • Put those people as witnesses of a communication.

- BCC: Person or persons to be informed of the sending of a message, but without the recipients being aware of it.

In principle, no action is expected from Cc or CCO. When receiving a message, it is advisable to calibrate in which of the three categories we find ourselves, in order to act accordingly.

When writing a message (email, whatsapp, etc.):

  • Important: In this section you have to put yourself in the position of the person writing the message, but also think about how the other party may receive and interpret it.

  • Do not necessarily wait for an answer. Most of the time we are not entitled to it and it also gives a lot of inner peace to have this disposition.

  • Do it as if it could eventually be read by anyone. That financial aid to be moderate and above all not to be aggressive or make rash judgments. At final financial aid to be prudent.

  • The most delicate ones should be left to rest before sending, for example after reading it again the following day.

  • Be aware that even if we write it with a smile, the other person may read it at a bad moment or, for example, not understand a joking comment as such.

  • The damage caused by a misunderstanding in a message may be irreversible or difficult to reverse.

  • Think carefully about the opportunity to send a massive message.

  • Avoid message bombardments, they are not effective and create discomfort in some people who, for example, do not dare to leave group so that no one feels annoyed.

  • Sign the message, especially if it is issued from a corporate account, so that the person acting is clearly identified.

  • Audio message or response: very short and knowing that you probably won't be able to hear it immediately. They seem to have many advantages over written ones. For example, you can take advantage of a displacement to record it, but that can become a clear disadvantage. It also allows you to convey an idea with detailed explanations and to approach topic from different perspectives, personal, social, psychological, environmental... But this can lead to excessively long messages by avoiding repeating the same idea with different words or even the same words. Avoid including the particle eeee... or others of the subject "so that's it" or "you know what I mean". This is an example of bad internship of an audio:
    "É é é éé... hello Cayo, I have read your message and and and and and.... well, youknow. Sorry if gets choppy because I'm walking, which I have now a meeting... (with this can fill a minutelong in an topic that not comes to case). Well, but eee... let's get to what you comment. I am totally of agreement , eee... well, but with nuances. You know what Schopenhauer said about the Russians and their matryoshkas (you can take advantage of this cultured digression to extend the audio for a couple of long minutes). As I was saying, I don't see clearly..., well, you know what I mean... It is convenient to end prudently in the following way: "Well, we'd better talk about it".

When receiving a message:

  • Important: In this section you have to put yourself in the position of the person receiving the message, but also think about the person writing the message, why he/she has written it, his/her state of mind, what he/she expects from the person receiving it,...

  • Regarding the automatic response, there are several things to keep in mind:

  1. In most cases it is not necessary to activate it and it can generate repulsion.

  2. It usually refers to mail from work, but could also be used for staff if one wants an off-line digital vacation.

  3. It may be advisable to do so if you have administrative responsibilities.

  4. It is important to leave the date back to normal mail attention.

  5. A contact is appreciated for urgent matters, but it is important that it works during the period of digital absence.

  • Do I always have to reply to a message?

  1. Sending a message to a person does not entitle you to receive a reply. That said, different situations are analyzed without the intention of being exhaustive.

  2. There are impertinent or inopportune messages to which it is better not to respond.

  3. There are messages that should be answered in person or at least by telephone or videoconference.

  4. If we go in Cc or CCO it is not usually necessary, unless it is convenient to give acknowledgement.

  5. If a response is expected and we are going to be slow in responding, a message acknowledging receipt and giving an estimate of when we will respond is appreciated.

  6. Although there is no obligation to respond to a message, if it is personally addressed to me, as a courtesy the sender will be grateful for a reply, even if it is very brief.

  7. Do not respond massively to mass messages. In this way, messages are generated exponentially. In many occasions it is not necessary to respond to the sender either. It must be taken into account that the definition of mass message is more in the message itself than in the issue.

  • Do not forward a message without the permission of the person who sent it, at least implicitly. If necessary, we can communicate the idea in our own words.

  • If we want to get off a mailing list or a group, be honest and tell everyone that we are going to leave leave. It is necessary to create a culture in which there is no shame in doing so. Phrases to use:
    "Guys, I love you very much, but I'm going to get off group because I'm on several and receipt too many messages."
    "Give me of leave on the distribution list because although what you send me is very interesting I can never attend (or I already have my sources to inform me about it, or I receipt it in other ways). It is likely that when the commitment I now have disappears I will ask you to include me again."


  • In the same way that it is bad Education to attend to another person while we are in a meeting of subject , it is also bad to attend or consult a screen. When necessary, leave the room so as not to disturb, after having order permission and forgiveness.

  • In a meeting in which I am a secondary party, it is in good taste to take notes on paper and forget about screens, if only to avoid giving the impression of being distracted.

  • Remove annoying sounds when receiving a message when in a public place, e.g. on the train.



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