Ruta de navegación

Aplicaciones anidadas


Social network analysis

One of the most revolutionary inventions of mankind has undoubtedly been the internet. As a result of this advance, the need arose to connect people and institutions in what is known as Social Networks, which nowadays bring together the main trends and behavioural patterns of ever wider audiences.

Although they were originally created only to facilitate the exchange of ideas, over time it has become apparent that information for commercial and scientific use can be extracted from their analysis.

The goal of this course is to provide the necessary tools to extract information from these in an efficient way that allows a subsequent analysis of the results obtained.

For this purpose, programming languages will be used to help us extract a large amount of data in an automated way.


University students interested in approaching the area Science of data with basic knowledge in the use of computers, spreadsheets.

They must have a computer, preferably a Windows PC, with the ability to install the Python and PowerBI software.   

Data mining and descriptive statistics

Segment and community detection

Virality detection

Sentiment analysis

Integration of the model analysis

The course is delivered synchronously online. It lasts 3 weeks, with 2 hours of theoretical and practical classes followed by two hours of tutoring. 

The schedule course is as follows: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 14.00 to 16.00 h.

A table with a breakdown of study hours is attached at student.

Activity grade (%) Synchronous classes (h) Independent work (h)
Session 1 20 2 5
Session 2 20 2 5
tutorial   2 5
Session 3 20 2 5
Session 4 20 2 5
tutorial   2 5
Session 5 20 2 6
Total              100 14 36


All explanation sessions will be conducted in the Zoom application and will be recorded and made available to the students.

As complementary material, scientific articles or videos of both theoretical and applied scientific dissemination will be used.

The assessment will be done after each session with works of implementation of the knowledge acquired, each with a score of 20% of the final grade .

grade: a minimum of attendance will be required to attend the sessions to be considered C.  

Deadlines for registration and enrollment:

The steps to formalise enrollment in the course are as follows: 

1.- Fill in and send form to registration.

2.- Send the following documentation by e-mail to

- Copy of National Identity Card or Passport
- Recent photograph
- Registration form

3.- Make the payment of the course in the payment gateway.

The enrollment will not be considered formalised until payment has been made on the payment gateway and the documentation has been sent.
The delivery of the course will be subject to a minimum number of students issue .

Course fee: 275,00 €.

