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  • <span>Two independent yet complementary courses</span> Two independent yet complementary courses
  • vLACE: for Principals | One day per month for 9 months vLACE: for Principals | One day per month for 9 months
  • PRIMED: an intensive week for management teams PRIMED Institute: an intensive week for leadership teams

Para más información, solicita una reunión online con los organizadores del curso escribiendo a


Request an online meeting with the organizers:

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Two complementary training programs are offered: first, vLACE is an executive course aimed at leaders of education centers. It is given one day a month for 9 months, at the Madrid campus of the University of Navarra. Secondly, the PRIMED Institute is an intensive one-week course for leadership teams in Pamplona. Both can be taken independently. However, PRIMED is an ideal opportunity for leaders who have just completed vLACE to integrate their teams into the character initiative they wish to start in their communities.










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Trainings offered by the School of Education and Psychology at University of Navarra, in collaboration with the Center for Character and Citizenship at the University of Missouri-St. Louis, and with the support of the Templeton World Charity Foundation.










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objetivo ppal

An initiative whose purpose is to promote character development in education centers in a strategic and intentional way, offering its leaders the keys to carry it out in their communities.










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Con el apoyo de

With the support of

Templeton World Charity Foundation



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Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas


Juan P. Dabdoub


Juan P. Dabdoub is Lecturer in the School of Education and Psychology and a member of the Education, Citizenship and Character Research Group at University of Navarra. He has led the translation and adaptation of vLACE and the PRIMED Institute with the support of the Templeton World Charity Foundation, and has successfully delivered them them in Spain, Mexico and Colombia since 2019. Her research focuses on how to create communities in which relationships, structures and procedures positively impact the character development of their members.


Concepción Naval


Concepción Naval is Professor of Theory and History of Education. She is a former Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford University. Her research focuses on citizenship education and social participation, the social impact of communication technologies on young people, educational innovation in higher education and character education. She is principal investigator of the consolidated interdisciplinary group "Education, Citizenship and Character" since its origin in 1997.


Marvin W. Berkowitz

Marvin W. Berkowitz desplegable ok

Professor Berkowitz is a world-renowned scholar, researcher, and educator. He is the inaugural Sanford N. McDonnell Professor of Character Education and co-director of the Center for Character and Citizenship at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. He was a professor of psychology and director of the Center for Ethical Studies at Marquette University. He was also founder and associate director of the Milwaukee Addiction and Mental Health Research Center.

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Melinda Bier

Melinda Bier desplegable

Mindy Bier is co-director of the Center for Character and Citizenship and a senior researcher in the Division of Educational Psychology, Assessment, and Research in the College of Education at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. Her expertise spans the fields of character education, teacher preparation and professional development, and the design and use of educational technology to enhance teaching and learning.


Aitor R. Salaverría

Aitor R. Salaverría desplegable

Aitor R. Salaverría is a collaborator of the Education, Citizenship and Character research group at the University of Navarra. His research focuses on the study of Colegios Mayores and similar communities and the alignment of their practices with renown character education approaches and programs.

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Institute PRIMED

+ info

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Te invitamos a ver el documental narrando las historias de escuelas públicas mexicanas que han realizado vLACE y el Instituto PRIMED.


We invite you to watch the documentary telling the stories of how the PRIMED Institute and vLACE deeply impacted the culture of Mexican public schools.


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  vLACE: 3300 euros

  PRIMED: 1250 euros

Solicitud de Admisión tit

Apply for an interview

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Formulario PRIMED



For further information, please contact Aitor R. Salaverría at: "".

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Discount options applicable to tuition:

  University of Navarra Alumni: 12%.

  Large family (3 children): 8%.

  Special large family (+3 children):16%

cursivas pie

Discounts are not cumulative.

Certificates for FUNDAE are provided for Spanish Institutions.
