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Ordinary deadline: March 31, 2023
Extraordinary deadline: August 30, 2023


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video ppal

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¿Qué venías buscando y qué has encontrado en vLACE tit

What were you looking for and
what have you found in vLACE?

vLACE Qué venías buscando

¿Qué es lo que más agradeces de ser parte de vLACE?

What do you most appreciate about
being part of vLACE?

vLACE | Qué es lo que más agradeces

¿Por qué vLACE es distinto a otro cursos de liderazgo? tit

Why is vLACE different from other character education courses?

vLACE Por qué este curso es diferente

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vLACE℠ is a blended learning course for leaders of education centers that provides the knowledge and experiences of the Leadership Academy in Character Education (LACE). . Each workshop is led by Professor Juan P. Dabdoub who, through videos, interactive activities, readings and reflections, seeks to generate a community of practice with the participants.

The main goals of vLACE are:

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Identity and integrity

To promote the self-knowledge and cultivation of the identity and integrity of the leaders and their communities. There can be no significant change in the culture of a community without its leader beginning by cultivating the character he or she wants to see in the rest of the community.

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Paul Houston, Exdirector de la American Association of School Administrators

"Schools are perfectly designed for the results we are getting. If we don't like the results, we have to redesign the schools."

         Paul Houston, Former Director of the American Association of School Administrators.


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Redesign communities

Provide leaders with the learning and development necessary to design, implement and assess initiatives that make their centers true learning communities, where character development is a real priority. vLACE includes the development of a personalized long-term plan to transform the culture of their communities.

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vLACE is a course for leaders of educational communities, which may include schools, high schools, colleges, or residences, among others. We recommend that each leader also enroll one or two people who collaborate in the management of their center, although this is not strictly necessary.



vLACE is taught in Spanish. All workshop materials are translated into Spanish, as well as the subtitles of the videos, even though the audio is in English.

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Successful completion of the course requires having attended at least eight of the nine workshops in person and having satisfactorily completed all eight assignments.



Those who complete the course will receive a Certification from the School of Education and Psychology at the University of Navarra and the Center for Character and Citizenship at the University of Missouri-St. Louis of 8 ECTS.

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vLACE consists of nine workshops of eight hours each, distributed monthly over the course of an academic year. Each workshop, which will take place on Tuesdays   approach, features the approach of an international expert in character education. These experts do not attend the workshops in person. The director of vLACE, Juan P. Dabdoub, leads each workshop, presenting each author's approach through videos, activities, reflections and readings.

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vLACE also includes eight monthly assignments that include which includepersonal reflections, conducting surveys or questionnaires to each center's community. These assignments require an average of 4 hours of dedication each, and some must be done in teams with other leaders in your center. The sum of these assignments is a medium-long-term plan to transform the culture of each community.

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9 talleres 8 horas

9 eight-hour
Welcoming day


* Each of the workshops will be full-time; specifically, they will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., with the exception of the Welcome day on September 12, 2023, which will be from 3:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

fechas LACE listado

12 and 13 / 09/ 2023* A CIVIC SCHOOL.
Phil Vincent, Director of the Character Development Group

Marvin Berkowitz, Co-Director of the Center for Character and Citizenship

Thomas Lickona, Director of the Center for the 4th and 5th R's

Charles Elbot, Director Office of Intentional School Culture at Denver Public Schools

Clifton Taulbert, American author, business consultant and speaker

Hal Urban, Teacher, author and speaker devoted to the Character Education movement

Ron Berger, Chief Academic Officer for Expeditionary Learning

Maurice Elias, Director of the Rutgers Social-Emotional and Character Development Lab

Aviz Glaze, Founder & CEO of Edu-Quest International Inc.



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Philip Vincent VIDEO ponente

Phil Vincent desplegable

In this workshop, Vincent sample that school climate can in many cases predict student success. Appealing to common sense, he suggests ways to establish a positive school climate staff and relationships. She asserts that children do better when they feel that teachers care about them. Therefore, if we have the goal to develop students to higher levels (for their own benefit and for the benefit of all of us), we must establish a school climate in which the priority is not results or grades, but students. This approach to what Vincent calls common sense seems to oppose the current emphasis on making grades prevail over everything else. To this end, Vincent invites schools to identify subject of practices that help generate a positive environment and to "have a staff that exemplifies it, believes in it, practices it, and expects to see it reflected in others". Vincent also stresses the importance of recognising students' efforts, whether or not they do well academically. On the other hand, Vincent explains the conceptual difference between norms and routines. Norms are often seen as oppressive, whereas routines are steps one follows to perform a task in an optimal way. The point core topic to develop a positive school climate is to determine how we want to live in community and work together with students, parents, staff school and the rest of society. Vincent focuses on the school climate being characterised by civility. He first explores the physical spaces where character and civility should be present from the outset: the school bus, the door of entrance, the corridors, the sports areas... Sometimes it can (and should) even extend to the community outside the school.

Phil Vincent 's 35 years of experience enriches his numerous presentations, workshops and best-selling books. With an academic training in Philosophy, Religion and Psychology, Vincent received his M.A. in Education and Philosophy from Appalachian State University and his doctorate in school planning and instruction from North Carolina State University in 1991. He has taught elementary, secondary, and middle school in North Carolina and Alaska. high school diploma in North Carolina and Alaska. He has also been a regional administrator and director of the Center for Ethics, Public Policy and Leadership at Greensboro College in North Carolina. Since 1995, Phil has been Director of the Character Development Group, a national leader in development of resources for Education character. Phil has worked throughout the United States and Canada designing and implementing character Education programs. In November 2007, he received the award Sandford N. McDonell Lifetime Achievement Award for Character Education from association in Washington. Phil also received the 2007 Canadian Achievement Award in character Education for his work in Ontario, Canada. Phil is the author, co-author and publisher of nearly 30 books. His most recent works are Relationships + Rules + Routines = Results (2013), Multidimensional Education: A Common Sense Approach to Data Driven Thinking (2011) and Restoring School Civility (2009). He has written journal articles about development character, Education giftedness and work with students at status risk.

► Vincent, P. F. & Grove, D. (2021) The 6 Rs: Foundations for a Flourishing School. Character Development Group.

► Vincent, P. F., Grove, D. & Lamb, J. (2013) Relationships + Rules + Routines = Results: A Common Sense Approach. Character Development Group.

► Vincent, P. F. (2006). Restoring school civility: Creating a caring, responsible, and productive school. Character Development Group.

► Vincent, P. F. Reed, N., & Register, J. (2001). The gift of character: The Chattanooga Story. Character Development Publishing.

► Vincent, P. F. (1999). Developing character in students: A primer for teachers, parents and communities. New View Publications.

► Vincent, P. F. (1998) Promising practices in character education. Character Development Group


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Marvin Berkowitz video ponente

Marvin Berkowitz desplegablle

This workshop takes a detailed look at Education character: its purpose, its content, the process involved and its implementation. describes good character as follows: "good character is about understanding, caring and acting in accordance with core ethical values". Berkowitz states that educators must accept the obligation to teach good character when students show by their behaviour that they do not know how to behave in this way. On the other hand, students need teachers to help them develop a better critical spirit that allows them to decide what is right and what is wrong; they need to be able to connect emotionally with the importance of having good character; and they also need opportunities to demonstrate this good character in the context of real relationships. It should be noted that industrial and technological pressures during the 20th century led to the replacement of many Education character initiatives with a greater role for science or mathematics. However, much research shows that an intentional effort to promote the Education of students' character does improve academic success. Berkowitz believes that character Education should be the primary function and result of schools, and points out that teachers have tremendous power over children. In fact, he believes, every adult in a school has the power to influence the development of children. Some students, despite adverse circumstances, succeed because of the presence of a caring adult. A close and caring relationship has such an impact that it can actually save a child's life. To motivate students intrinsically (rather than merely giving extrinsic rewards), Berkowitz recommends personal, private feedback. He notes that principals who have been successful in their schools have eliminated the use of candy, stickers and trinkets to motivate and stimulate students. Teachers are role models by virtue of their profession, and cannot avoid the fact that many students will want to be like them. Understanding this implies that they have to be good role models. In particular, teachers cannot expect their students to do things that they themselves would not be willing to do.

Marvin W. Berkowitz is the first Full Professor Sanford N. McDonnell Endowed Professor of Character Education and is co-director of the Center for Character and Citizenship at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. In 1999 he was the first Ambassador H.H. Coors Professor of Character Development at the United States Air Force Academy. He served as professor of psychology and as director of the Center for Ethics Studies at Marquette University. He is also founder and director associate of the Center for Addiction and Behavioral Health Research in Milwaukee. He was born in 1950 in Queens, New York. In 1972 he graduated with honors in Psychology from the State University of NY at Buffalo. He obtained his doctorate in Psychology from development at Wayne State University in 1977. He served as an associate researcher at the Center for Moral Development and Education at Harvard University from 1977-1979. He has also been Visiting Professor at the Max-Planck-Institute for Human Development and Education in Berlin (1987-1988) and at the Gordon Cook Foundation in Scotland (1995). His research focuses on Education character, development moral and decision making. He is the author of PRIMED for Character (2020), You Can't Teach Through a Rat (2012), and Parenting for Good (2005); publisher of Moral Education: Theory and Application (1985) and Peer Conflict and Psychological Growth (1985); and author of more than 100 book chapters, monographs, and journal articles. He is founder and co-editor of the Journal of Character Education and is active in associations such as and the Association for Moral Education. He has served as Director of research for numerous funding programs, including the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the US Department of Education, and the John Templeton Foundation.

►Berkowitz, M. (2021). PRIMED for Character: Six design principles for school improvement. Routledge.

►Berkowitz, M., & Bier, M. (2017). Towards a Science of Character Education. Frameworks for Identifying and Implementing Effective Practices. Journal of Character Education, 13(1), 33-51.

►Berkowitz, M. (2012). You can't Teach through a Rat and other Epiphanies for Educators. Character Development Group.

►Berkowitz, M. (2011). What works in values education. International Journal of Educational Research, 50, 153-158.

►Berkowitz, M. (2011). Leading Schools of Character. In A. Blankstein & P. Houston (Eds.), Leadership for Social Justice and Democracy in Our Schools (pp. 93-121). Corwin.

►Berkowitz, M., & Bier, M. (2005). What Works in Character Education: A Research Driven Guide for Educators. Character Education Partnership.

►Berkowitz, M. (1999). Building a Good Person. In M. Williams & E. Schaps (Eds.), Character Education: the Foundation for Teacher Education (pp. 19-23). Character Education Partnership.

►Berkowitz, M. (1997). The Complete Moral Person: Anatomy and Formation. In J. DuBois (Ed.), Moral Issues in Psychology: Personalist Contributions to Selected Problems (pp. 11-42). University Press of America.

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Thomas Lickona video ponente

Thomas Lickona desplegable

The core of Thomas Lickona 's presentation is his comprehensive twelve-point approach for Education character. This set of interwoven strategies at the school level forms the basis for intentional and systematic methods that educators can apply in building close and caring teacher-child relationships, both academically and character-wise. Lickona includes examples of practical classroom applications that are made even more effective by using the "model of the 4 Keys", which financial aid to increase internalisation. Lickona considers the class Meetings methodology to be the "single strategy that stands out as the most powerful contribution to a strong culture at classroom". She recommends its use in any academic year, and advises that all teachers should have the opportunity to observe a teacher 'expert' in this strategy using it. It is essential that teachers are involved in the creation of a school-wide discipline plan. In addition, when students are allowed to have a voice in creating the rules and consequences of classroom, they are more likely to comply with those rules. Creating a culture of character based on trust and respect allows students to show their adherence to the norms created by the community. Lickona believes that the purpose of discipline should be both behaviour management and character development. Restorative justice is a approach of the student discipline in which the student is made manager to heal the broken relationship and repair the offence. However, this approach is rarely used by parents and teachers as it requires a 'character conversation' between the child and a caring and patient person to be effective.

Thomas Lickona is a psychologist at development and Professor Emeritus of Education at the State University of New York at Cortland, where he founded and continues to direct the Center for the 4th and 5th Rs (Respect and Responsibility). His work educating teachers has won several awards. He has been Visiting Professor at Harvard and Boston Universities, president of the Association for Moral Education and a member of the board Board of Directors of the Character Education Partnership. He lectures worldwide on the promotion of moral values and the development of character. His eight books on character development include Moral Development and Behavior, Raising Good Children, Educating for Character, Character Matters, and Smart & Good High Schools. Educating for Character won the award Christopher for "proclaiming the highest values of the human spirit". Lickona received the award from the University of San Francisco for outstanding achievement in moral Education , the award "Sandy" from the Character Education Partnership for his body of work on character Education , and the doctorate Honoris Causa from the Universidad Anahuac de Mexico. His work has appeared on the cover of the New York Times Magazine, and has been featured on well-known US programmes such as Good Morning America, Larry King Live Radio, National Public Radio and Focus on the Family.

►Lickona, T. (2018). How to raise kind kids: and get respect, gratitude, and a happier family in the bargain. Penguin Books.

►Lickona, T. (2013). Educating for Character in the Sexual Domain. Peabody Journal of Education, 88(2).

►Lickona, T. & Davidson, M. (2005) Smart and Good High Schools: Integrating Excellence and Ethics for Success in School, Work, and Beyond (A Report to the Nation). Character Education Partnership.

►Lickona, T. (2004). Character Matters: How to Help our Children Develop Good Judgment, Integrity, and Other Essential Virtues. Simon & Schuster.

►Lickona, T. (1996). Eleven principles of effective character education. Journal of Moral Education, 25(1), 93-100.

►Lickona, T. (1991)Educating for Character: How our Schools can Teach Respect and Responsibility. Bantam Books.


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Charles Elbot VIDEO


In this workshop, Elbot examines the traditional hierarchical structure of schools, and compares it to another subject school culture in which leadership is shared between teachers, parents and students. Many schools are currently in the midst of a process of transition from the traditional model to the model of shared leadership. Elbot stresses that we must teach the whole child, including the control of emotions. Furthermore, he points out that acceptance of change must come before fostering the growth of human beings. It is better to share the experience of change with others than to cling to the past. He describes how he and staff of the Slaven School transformed the culture and climate of high school. He stresses the importance of understanding that transforming a school requires a process that involves everyone. Elbot asks us to understand change as a process, not an event. Starting with the graphic management of change, which describes the elements that are part of the change process, he explains how change affects people. He then sets out the vision that leadership requires, functioning as a true compass for others, not just a road map. Elbot encourages leaders to include others in this process of change, transforming a me-centred approach to a we-centred approach . He identifies four types of mindsets in his book Creating an Intentional School Culture: the dependency mindset; the independence mindset; the interdependence mindset; and the integration mindset. Elbot explains that it is relatively easy to identify the mindset that each member of the school community works with, and demonstrates how the behaviour of teachers and teachers according to their subject mindset can be different.

Charles Elbot was born in Europe and lived his first twenty years of life among three cultures: French, German and American. After graduating from Wesleyan University, he took a backpack, a sleeping bag and a few hundred dollars and travelled throughout Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Europe over a three-year period. He even went so far as to work on ships in Bali and Singapore in order to earn a living. It was an extraordinary three years of exhibition to a rich variety of cultures around the world. Upon returning to the United States, he began his degree program as a teacher, later founding an alternative high school, the September School, in Boulder, Colorado. After several years at teaching and as a school administrator, he attended Harvard University, where he earned a Master's Degree in development moral and administration from Education. For the next twenty-one years, Elbot served as director for both public and public schools. Elbot has also been director of the Slavens School, a public elementary and kindergarten school in Denver, which in 2001 was honoured as one of eight schools included in the network National School of Character. This high school has also been recognised for the outstanding academic achievement of its students. These achievements attracted educators from across the United States, who spent some time analysing the way things were done at high school. The following year, Charles founded the Office of School Character and Culture, and began to take these ideas to other schools in Denver and across the country. In 2003, he was invited by the New Zealand government to share these approaches with New Zealand educators. Since then, the Office of School Culture and Character has continued to build on the culture of schools to build excellence in both academics and character. This experience culminated in the publication of Building an Intentional School Culture, co-authored with David Fulton. Charles is married to Barbara Robertson Elbot and has two sons, Jason and David.

► Elbot, C. F. & Fulton, D. (2008) Building an Intentional School Culture: Excellence in Academics and Character. Corwin Press.


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Clifton Taulbert video

Clifton Taulbert DESPLEGABLE

Clifton Taulbert' s story is extraordinary, and in these videos the author pays tribute to the people who most influenced his life and success. Despite hardship and limited resources, Clifton was able to finish his Education, go to college and much more. He attributes that success to the community of people where he spent his childhood. Taulbert wrote The Eight Habits of the Heart to describe those generous and caring people who contributed to his growth and well-being staff. Beginning with what he calls the "Caring Attitude", which underpins all the selfless acts that make up the rest of the Habits, Clifton defines the Habit and then illustrates it in a picture and a story about someone in particular who exemplifies this characteristic. The attitude of caring is followed by Responsibility, Accountability, Dependability, Friendship, Fraternity, High Expectations, Courage and Hope.

Clifton Taulbert is internationally known for his work as a writer, lecturer and leader around topic on building community in every part of our lives. Taulbert founded the Building Community Institute to spread the timeless and universal ideals he discovered growing up in the Mississippi Delta. This high school focuses on the principles outlined in his book Eight Habits of the Heart, chosen in 1998 by USA Today as the book of the year to enrich our minds and lives. Taulbert has spread his principles on the role of community in the 21st century throughout the United States and the world, sharing his positions with members of the U.S. Supreme Court, the Library Services of congress, Harvard University, and other corporate clients such as Lockheed Martin, FDIC, and Ford Mazda. Taulbert's list of books is rounded out by the award-winning Once Upon a Time When We Were Colored, the Pulitzer-nominated The Last Train North, and the book that the LA Times recommended all Americans read, Watching our Crops Come In. Taulbert has also written two award-winning books for children, Little Cliff and the Porch People and Little Cliff's First Day of School, and Eight Habits of the Heart for Educators.

► Taulbert, C. L. (2011) Who Owns the Ice House? Eli Press.

► Taulbert, C. L. (2006) Eight Habits of the Heart for Educators. Corwin Press.

► Taulbert, C. L. (2003) Little Cliff's First Day of School. Penguin Books.

► Taulbert, C. L. (2002) Little Cliff and the Cold Place. Penguin Books.

► Taulbert, C. L. (1999) Eight Habits of the Heart. Penguin Books.

► Taulbert, C. L. (1999) Little Cliff and the Porch People. Penguin Books.

► Taulbert, C. L. (1998) Watching Our Crops Come In. Penguin Books.

► Taulbert, C. L. (1992) Last Train North. Penguin.

► Taulbert, C. L.(1989) Once Upon a Time When We Were Coloured. Penguin.


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Hal Urban video


In this workshop, Hal Urban shares his insights and inspirations from more than 35 years of working as professor. Urban learned early on the importance of developing relationships with his students. In his long degree program, Urban picked up grade on the qualities shared by all good teachers. He is convinced that most students today do not know when they are being rude, but are simply doing things they have seen others do: their friends, parents, media.... He attributes this decline in good manners to what is accepted by society, and is therefore taught by parents. Urban describes in detail his method to protect the atmosphere of class from toxic (negative) words, and to nurture this atmosphere with positive affirmations. He found that good teachers do not use toxic words and, moreover, teach their students not to use them either. His management methods from class enable students to own the rules of classroom, and thus to accept them as their own. Their techniques combine humour, dynamic examples and visual reminders. In this workshop, Urban shares a series of teaching techniques that illustrate how academic teaching can be combined with character Education , including essay a statement of mission statement staff and making important decisions.

Hal Urban holds a licentiate degree and Master's Degree in History, and a doctorate at Education from the University of San Francisco. He also holds a programs of study graduate degree in Peak Performance Psychology from Stanford University. For thirty-six years he taught at San Carlos and Woodside high schools, as well as at his alma mater, the University of San Francisco. Hal is the author of six books, all of which focus on good character. His first book, Life's Greatest Lessons, was selected by Writer's Digest as the most inspirational book of the year. Since 1992, Urban has lectured nationally and internationally on character traits and their relationship to quality of life. In 2005, Urban was awarded the award Sanford N. McDonnell Award by the Character Education Partnership National Forum. Hal has a genuine love of life that includes several passions; he always says that the most important things are his faith, family and friends. His other main interests and activities are fitness, reading, sports, travel, photography and, above all, lifelong learning.

► Urban, H. (2012) 20 Gifts of Life. Great Lessons Press.

► Urban, H. (2008) Lessons from the Classroom: 20 Things Good Teachers Do. Great Lessons Press.

► Urban, H. (2007) The 10 Commandments of Common Sense: Wisdom from the Scriptures for People of all Beliefs. Simon and Schuster.

► Urban, H. (2006) Choices that Change Lives: 15 Ways to Find More Meaning, Purpose, and Joy. Simon and Schuster.

► Urban, H. (2004) Positive Words, Powerful Results: Simple Ways to Honor, Affirm, and Celebrate Life. Simon and Schuster.

► Urban, H. (2003) Life's Greatest Lessons: 20 Things That Matter. Simon and Schuster.

► Urban, H. (1992) 20 Things I Want My Kids to Know. Thomas Nelson Publishers.


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Ron Berger video


Berger' s workshop introduces the participant to his method of merging character Education with quality work . As a teacher for over twenty years in a small rural town in Massachusetts, Berger developed a textbook-free teaching method focused on teaching children real-world skills using the community as an essential element of the Study program. Ron Berger's Expeditionary Learning is aneducational approach that developed from an outdoor Education program. This program took students into the woods for challenging activities to create experiences that would give them a new sense of skill and a new vision of themselves. This approach works well with students who are at a point in their lives when they are considering dropping out of school. Berger describes a low-income high school in Springfield, Massachusetts, where Expeditionary Learning is used. All students are admitted to college because they believe in themselves and work to help each other on complicated projects. This project financial aid students change their view of themselves to become actionable people. Berger states that, in order to carry out this subject of quality work , the faculty culture must be prepared for innovation. Faculty must experience this method themselves before attempting to model it for students. partnership and friendliness are the starting point, but the professional culture is more important.

Ron Berger has been a public school teacher and master carpenter in rural Massachusetts for more than 25 years. He is currently director of the non-profit school improvement programme Expeditionary Learning, which financial aid to found public high schools in low-income communities that send all graduates to college, and financial aid to transform existing public schools toward high performing academics, character and citizenship for their students. Berger's work and lectures seek to inspire quality and character in students through project-based learning, original science and history research , service learning and the introduction of the arts. It works with the national Education character movement to integrate character values into the core of work academics. Berger works closely partnership with the Harvard Graduate School of Education, where he did his graduate work , and specifically, with Harvard Project Zero. He is a scholarship recipient Annenberg Foundation Professor, and a recipient of the award Autodesk Foundation Teacher of the Year Award. He has written An Ethic of Excellence and A Culture of Quality.

► Berger, R., Rugen, L., Woodfin, L., & Education, E. L. (2014). Leaders of their own learning: Transforming schools through student-engaged assessment. John Wiley & Sons.

► Berger, R. (2003). An Ethic of Excellence: Building a Culture of Craftsmanship with Students. Heinemann.


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Maurice Elias video


Maurice Elias begins this workshop by explaining the relationship between the field of learning partner-emotional and the field of character Education . He subsumes them under the heading of development Character partner-emotional, and states that it is important to find a common language so that the two fields can work together. The integration of partner-emotional learning with Education of Character becomes a very important combination for schools. Emotional learning partner describes skills, dispositions and life habits that are built through development, and can be learned if approached with intentionality, approach and continuity. These skills are necessary for success in life, in school and in the workplace work. Positive school climate and programmes are not enough; students need specific skills training.

The five key areas of skill in this regard are:

1. Self-awareness

2. Self-management

3. Decision-making manager

4. Social skills

5. Social awareness

One example Elias uses is that of emotional vocabulary in self-management skills. In a culture where extremes predominate, students lack the skills to properly identify their emotions, and are therefore only able to recognise them when they occur at an extreme level. Finally, Elias points out the incongruity that exam grades are getting higher and higher, while the rate of withdrawal and the issue of students finishing degree program in a longer time than required is also on the rise. Clearly, our students are getting smarter, but they are not succeeding in life, and so the development of partner-emotional character is needed.

Maurice J. Elias, department of Psychology at Rutgers University, is the co-developer of project on Social Decision Making and Social Problem Solving. This project received the award Lela Rowland Prevention Award from the American National Mental Health association in 1988, and has been C by the network National Dissemination Panel on Program Effectiveness. More recently, it has been named as a model programme by the Panel on National Educational Goals in the United States.

In 1990, Elias was awarded the National Psychological Consultants to Management Award by the American Psychological association . In 1993, he received the Distinguished Contribution to the Practice of Community Psychology Award from the Society for research and Community Action. Elias is also co-founder of the Consortium on the School-Based Promotion of Social Competence, a research consortium of nationally and internationally renowned scientists. partner Most recently, Elias was appointed to the team member board of the Collaborative for the Advancement of Social and Emotional Learning (partnership ). With his colleagues at CASEL, Elias was the lead author of Promoting Social and Emotional Learning: Guidelines for Educators, published by association for the Supervision and development of Curriculum, which has already been distributed to more than 100,000 educational leaders in the United States and internationally.

Elias' work with CASEL is currently one of his main professional activities. He specialises in clinical, community and school psychology, as well as in the development of children, adolescents and families.

► Elias, M. J., Ferrito, J. J., & Moceri, D. C. (2015). The Other Side of the Report Card: Assessing Students′ Social, Emotional, and Character Development. Corwin Press.

► Elias, M. J., Tobias, S. E., & Friedlander, B. S. (2011). Emotionally intelligent parenting: How to raise a self-disciplined, responsible, socially skilled child. Harmony.

► Elias, M. J. (2003). Academic and social-emotional learning (Vol. 11). International Academy of Education.

► Elias, M. J., Tobias, S. E., & Friedlander, B. S. (2000).Raising Emotionally Intelligent Teenagers: Parenting with Love, Laughter, and Limits. Harmony.

Elias, Maurice. Friedlander, Steve. Goleman, Daniel (1999) Emotionally Intelligent Parenting: How to Raise a Self-Disciplined, Responsible, and Socially Skilled Child. Harmony/Random House.

► Elias, Maurice & Tobias, Steven. (1996) Social Problem Solving Interventions in the Schools. Guilford Press.

► Elias, Maurice (1993) Promoting Student Success Through Group Intervention. Haworth Press Inc.

► Elias, Maurice (1992) Building a Social Problem Solving Skills: Guidelines from a School-Based Program. Jossey-Bass.

► Elias, Maurice (1990) Problem Solving/Decision Making for Social and Academic Success: A School-Based Approach. National Education Association.

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Aviz Glaze video

Aviz Glaze desplegable

In this workshop, he presentsa plan for character development in schools, school districts and communities. Glaze uses the term "development character" (a concept more familiar in Canada) as distinct from "Education character", which is more commonly used in the United States. He believes that it is the school's responsibility to teach and promote the attributes (character traits) we want future adults to have. It reminds us that teaching character to students is not enough. In addition, he supports the involvement of the whole community in building a community of character, and relates how he did this in York Region, Canada. He also stresses that the involvement of students from high schools in the development of character is very important, and gives several examples of this. The result of building these relationships can lead to greater support for the school from the community.

Glaze recounts the various acts of violence against schoolchildren that have taken place in the USA and Canada. These subject incidents were the origin of Glaze's work on development character and building communities of character. One action he took that brought a unity of purpose to the development character initiative was to bring together 250 people to formulate the attributes they wanted their children to practice. Finally, Glaze believes that all educators must be aware of the problems of poverty, the dangers of societies with large income disparities and become advocates for students living in poverty.

Avis Glaze is a renowned international leader in the field of Education. As one of Canada's foremost educators, she has been recognised for her work on development leadership, student achievement, school and education system improvement, character development and equity of outcomes for all students. As Ontario's first Chief Student Achievement Officer and founder and CEO of administrative office Literacy and Numeracy, she played a key role in improving student achievement in Ontario's schools. Glaze holds two Master's degrees from Education - one in educational administration, one in guidance and counselling, and a doctorate at Education from high school of programs of study of Education of Ontario, University of Toronto. He also holds training in Alternative Conflict Resolution, Advanced Facilitation and assessment of Emotional Intelligence. She has taught at all stages of the educational K-12 system, in rural and urban areas, in public and Catholic schools, at elementary, secondary, community college and university levels. She has worked as a teacher at classroom, special Education teacher, counsellor and high school administrator. She has also been a school principal in several school districts, Associate Director of Education at board York Region District School District and Director of Education at board Kawartha Pine Ridge District School.

Years later, Glaze was appointed Commissioner of Education of Ontario and Senior Advisor to the Minister of Education. Now retired, her business of consultancy service, Edu-quest International Inc. offers a wide range of services internationally. She continues to do what she does best: motivate and inspire educators through conferences. She consults with school districts, non-profit organisations and businesses to maximise talent and achieve results.

► Avis Glaze, Mattingly, R. and Levin, B. (2011) Breaking Barriers: Excellence and Equity for All. Pearson.

► Glaze, A. (2011) Character Development: Education at its best. ASCD Manitoba Journal Reflections.


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