To whom is this Master's Degree addressed?
The world of matrimonial nullity proceedings is a demanding professional field. It calls for specialized preparation and frequent update , in line with changes in the rules.
This Master's Degree of training permanent offers this specialization - or its update- to professionals who work in ecclesiastical tribunals or are in relation with them: judges, defenders of the bond, notaries, lawyers, psychiatrists and psychologists, mediators and agents of family pastoral care, etc.
What does it offer?
It includes subjects of Anthropology, Psychiatry, Theology and Canon Law (general, matrimonial and procedural), as well as substantial and procedural jurisprudence, and conflict foresight and mediation.
The first module offers a systematic review of all the current issues on marriage and the family, deepening its insertion in the cultural framework today.
The second module deals directly with Matrimonial and Procedural Law and focuses especially on its most important aspect internship in order to practice with the tools acquired. In the third module , the End of the Year work is elaborated and developed Master's Degree.
The professors of Master's Degree pay special attention to the personalized accompaniment of the students, being available both in the face-to-face sessions and through the communication tools offered by the platform. contact Students are also in direct contact with the Academic Coordination of Master's Degree, to receive financial aid in case of any incident or difficulty.
It is a degree scroll of the University of Navarra, C by the Holy See.
The program takes place at over 1 academic year, divided into 2 semesters: the first from September to February and the second from February to June. During the month of July, the re-sit examination period exams take place.
academic year 2024-25:
First semester:
- face-to-face classes: from September 9 to 13, 2024
- online exams: January 31 and February 1, 2025 -
Second semester:
- on-site classes: June 16 to 21, 2025 (these dates include on-site exams and the graduation ceremony of the Master's Degree).
- extraordinary exams: July 21 and 22, 2025
Mode of teaching
The Master's Degree comprises a combination of work online (80%) and teaching face-to-face (20%).
Face-to-face classes will be held at Campus of the University of Navarra in Madrid, in two intensive weeks: one at the beginning of Master's Degree (September) and one at the end (June).