Own degree
1 academic year
80% online; 20% face-to-face
Approved by the Holy See
20 places
Scientific rigor and multidisciplinarity
approach interdisciplinary, training in depth, doctrinal synthesis, legal precision, and practical learning.
Support and flexibility
The learning methodology adopted in this Master's Degree allows a flexible adaptation to the status of the students, an organization staff of the study pace and a personalized follow-up, essential in this subject of teaching.
faculty quality
The professors at Master's Degree are backed by a long history of prestige and research experience.
Service to the Church and society
The Master's Degree intends to update the training of those who intervene in marriage annulment proceedings or work in the counseling and orientation phase prior to marriage.
Approved by the Holy See

This Master's Degree, degree scroll proper to the University of Navarra, has been approved by the Holy See. Bishops may take it into account as a qualification to perform specific functions in ecclesiastical tribunals (cfr. Instruction. The programs of study of Canon Law in the light of the reform of the marriage process, art. 12).
It has received the nihil obstat from the Congregation for Catholic Education [Dicastery for Culture and Education] (134/2020, February 6, 2020).
The geographic diversity of our students is an added value to the Master's Degree. The first two editions have had a range of up to 11 different nationalities, which enriches the discussions with diverse perspectives and offers a natural network of contacts for the future.
Spain, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Guatemala, Dominican Republic and the Philippines. These are the origins of the participants of the first editions of the Master's Degree.
international outreach

On-site and virtual follow-up

The professors at Master's Degree take special care in providing personalized support to students, being available both in face-to-face sessions and through the communication tools offered by the platform.
Students can also contact contact directly with the Academic Coordination of Master's Degree, to receive financial aid in case of any incident or difficulty.