Graduation of the I Promotion of Master's Degree in Matrimonial Law and Canonical Procedure.

11 | 07 | 2024
On June 22nd, the students of the first promotion of the Master's Degree of training Permanent in Matrimonial Law and Canonical Procedure lived the day of their graduation at the headquarters of postgraduate program of the University of Navarra.
The Master's Degree, C by the Holy See, offers a program that combines face-to-face classes with teaching online, and trains students in the field of matrimonial and canonical procedural law with the best prepared professors. During the two face-to-face weeks, one at the beginning of Master's Degree and one at the end, students have the opportunity to meet and bond, making their graduation day even more exciting.
The ceremony was presided over by Dean of School, Joaquín Sedano. In addition to the Dean, the following spoke: director of the Master's Degree, Don Álvaro González Alonso, the sponsor of the graduating class, Don Jorge Castro, and the representative of the students, Antonio Wesolowski, who pointed out how grateful the students were for everything they had learned and their desire to take it to internship in service to the Church, putting into words what their classmates wanted to transmit.
The students who have been graduate this course are:
- Misael Amparo de la Cruz
- Luis Armando Andrade Cambindo
- Francisco de Asís Casas Bedos
- Zaida Enid Colón Santos
- María del Rosario de la source Hontañón
- Jesus Rafael Diaz Dagger
- Dina Domingo Lucenario
- Roberto García Villumbrales
- José María Alberto Lix Klett Adduci
- María Lola Madariaga Drago
- Juan Francisco Molineros Córdova
- Federico Martín Prus
- Horacio de Jesús Quintero Jaramillo
- Carla Roel Olvera
- Víctor César Augusto Sotelo Pascual
- Alberto Luis Toro Suárez
- Antonio Wesolowski Ventosa