Master's Degree in Access to the Legal Profession and Procurement
Master's Degree in Digital Law
This Double Master's Degree allows the student to take the Master's Degree in Access to the Legal Profession and Procurement at the same time as the Master's Degree in Digital Law.
What will you learn?
With these studies, on the one hand, the student acquires the mandatory qualification for the practice of the profession and, on the other hand, specialises.
The goal of the double Master's Degree is to train lawyers capable of adapting to a world in constant change and to provide legal answers to the multitude of legal questions that arise from the digital irruption in the activity staff and business.
Lawyers who understand and handle technological tools with a deep understanding of the impact of digitalisation in all areas of law. knowledge . From the processing of data, protection and security, but also in their contracting and taxation. Lawyers who are able to offer a comprehensive legal aid to companies in their digitisation processes and to technology companies.
The Double Master's Degree lasts 15 months. The first year, which begins in September and ends in July (10 months), is devoted exclusively to face-to-face classes. The second, which includes internships and two Master's dissertations -one per Master-, runs from September to February (5/6 months).
In addition to lectures and Master's dissertations, there will be an intensive course in preparation for the Bar Examination.
You will be able to work in...
Liberal professions (self-employed)
Lawyer, solicitor, advisor tax lawyer, property administrator, real estate agent, administrative manager, industrial property agents, commercial agents, passive class habilitados, customs agent and commission agent, etc.
Companies (employees)
I work in law firms, in legal consultancies of large companies, specialised marketing, Departments of human resources, employee of banking, employee of legal consultancies, consultancies, employee of trade unions, employee of NGOs, vacancies in International Organisations and Agencies, etc.
Called by the different Ministries, Autonomous Communities and local administrations, etc. For example, judicial career, tax career, lawyers of the Administration of Justice, state lawyers, notaries, property or mercantile registrars, labour and social security inspectors, state tax inspectors, entry to the diplomatic career, inspector of the national police corps, senior corps of state civil administrators, secretaries-interventors of the local administration, complementary military attached to the military legal corps, etc.).
And also...
You will attend an International Legal Week at IESE Business School in New York. The course programme goal aims to provide you with advanced knowledge on dispute resolution and international law firm management, taking the American market as a reference.
Master's Degree in Access to the Legal Profession and Procurement + Master's Degree in Digital Law
module I: The figure of the lawyer (19 ECTS credit)
subject I.I: framework Legal and deontological (4 ECTS credit)
In this subject, students will be trained in the professional deontological rights and duties related to the profession of lawyer and attorney, in their relationship with clients and the other agents involved in the professional relationship of the practitioner, as well as giving them the ability to identify situations of conflicts of interest and the various responsibilities related to the exercise of professional activity.
Deontology and the profession of lawyer and attorney. 4 ECTS credit
subject I.II: Instruments and action techniques (15 ECTS credit)
This subject is designed to train in the application of procedures for determining, billing and collecting fees; to learn about the organizational environment as well as to develop skills and abilities for the choice of strategies in the defense of clients' interests; to handle the different techniques for the composition of interests and to know how to find solutions to problems; to develop oral expression, work in a team and those skills that lead to greater efficiency in its work.
Accounting. 3 ECTS credit
Financial management. 4 ECTS credit
International Legal English. 2 ECTS credit
Business Development. 2 ECTS credit
management of law firms. 2 ECTS credit
Negotiation and applied rhetoric. 1 2 ECTS credit
module II: Performance of the Lawyer -35 ECTS credit*-.
This module provides students with the ability to apply the theoretical knowledge acquired during the Degree in Law to the changing reality and multidisciplinary of the practice of the profession in a internship and multidisciplinary manner. They will know the strategy of the different areas of professional internship in the framework of the different systems of jurisdictional protection and the methods of alternative dispute resolution to the jurisdictional route. The module III incorporates the Clinicum methodology, which consists of learning based on the resolution of problems in which the student has a high academic load since it solves them in a team gathered in class with a tutor that guide and guides them to propose a solution. It is not enough just to reach a legal conclusion, but the student has to use the tools acquired in the program up to that moment and apply elements of management since the team acts in the same way as a law firm would.
In this way, the three subjects address the three facets of the lawyer. Firstly, as advisor (both designing legal solutions to operations or problems and as a strategy to prevent conflicts before they occur), as a litigator and, finally, as a mediator.
subject II.I. "Material areas of defense" (16 ECTS credit) *16 ECTS credit from Master's Degree of specialization are validated.
Subjects that can be validated in the specialization program Law section of business:
Company law. 6 ECTS credit
business family. 1 ECTS credit
Consumer protection. 1 ECTS credit
Contractual and non-contractual liability. 1,5 ECTS credit
Public sector contracts. 1 ECTS credit
Liability of the Public Administration. 1 ECTS credit
Promotion, collaboration and exchange contracts. 1 ECTS credit
Commercial distribution contracts. 1 ECTS credit
Banking contracts. 1 ECTS credit
Financing and guarantee contracts. 1 ECTS credit
Securities. 0.5 ECTS credit
subject II.II; "Systems of Jurisdictional Protection" (17 ECTS credit)
internship forensics and litigation. 2 ECTS credit
Civil Praxis. 3 ECTS credit
Commercial practice. 2 ECTS credit
Criminal Praxis. 3 ECTS credit
Tax practice. 2 ECTS credit
Litigation practicemanagement assistant. 3 ECTS credit
Labour practice. 2 ECTS credit
subject II.III: "Alternative Dispute Resolution Systems" (2 ECTS credit).
Arbitration practice. 2 ECTS credit
module III: Internship (30 ECTS credit)
The module III, External Practices, (30 ECTS credit) is aimed at giving student first-hand knowledge of professional practice. Internships may be carried out in courts or tribunals, public prosecutors' offices, law firms or professional law firms, Departments legal or human resources offices of public administrations, official institutions or companies.
External internships. 30 ECTS credit
module IV: work de Fin de Master's Degree (6 ECTS credit)
Finally, in the module IV, work end of Master's Degree (6 ECTS credit) the students will have to solve a case in which all the subjects and competences developed in the face-to-face module are put in internship . The student must submit a written report and defend it orally before a Court.
Master's Thesis. 6 ECTS credit
module I. Fundamentals of Digital Law (17,5 ECTS credit)
subject I: rules and regulations general of digital law (6 ECTS credit)
rules and regulations general digital law. Digital ethics (4 ECTS credit)
Operators and business models of the Economics digital (2 ECTS credit)
subject II: Digital data (7,5 ECTS credit)
Legal regime of the digital data (3.5 ECTS credit)
Artificial intelligence and big data. Cybersecurity (4 ECTS credit)
- subject III: Digitisation of identities and processes (4 ECTS credit)
Digitalization of identities and processes (4 ECTS credit)
module II. Contractual activity and communication in the digital environment (15 ECTS credit)
subject I: Electronic Contracting (5 ECTS credit)
E-contracting (5 ECTS credit)
- subject II: Digitisation of regulated activities: financing, payment, digital insurance (5 ECTS credit)
Digitalization and financing (2.5 ECTS credit)
Digitalization of regulated activities (2.5 ECTS credit)
subject III: skill and intellectual property law in the digital environment (5 ECTS credit)
Defense of skill and digital law (2.5 ECTS credit)
subject IV: Labor relations and digitization (1.5 ECTS credit)
Labor relations and digitalization (1.5 ECTS credit)
- subject V: Criminal Law digital (1.5 ECTS credit)
Criminal Law digital (1.5 ECTS credit)
module III. Counseling in the digital legal field (15,5 ECTS credit)
subject I: Civil and Commercial Practice (5 ECTS credit)
subject II: Criminal Praxis (3,5 ECTS credit)
subject III: Digital Praxis (7 ECTS credit)
Praxis Digital (5 ECTS credit)
Arbitration Praxis (2 ECTS credit)
module IV. work of End of Master's Degree (6 ECTS credit)
module V. Internships (6 ECTS credit)