Person and Law Journal
Another aspect to highlight, in relation to the Master's Degree in Human Rights, is the existence of a scientific publication of the School, specialising in issues related to legal, political and social thought, with particular attention to human rights.
This is the Persona y Derecho Magazineaimed at jurists or those interested in legal problems, especially researchers in Philosophy of Law, Human Rights, Political Philosophy and related areas. It is published every six months (June and December).
The University of Navarra is one of the leading centres for research, publication and teaching on subject, from which the student of the Master's in Human Rights will undoubtedly benefit.
International dimension
The Master's Degree in Human Rights is characterized by its international orientation, not only because of its contents, but also because of two important aspects: on the one hand, the internationalfaculty , in charge of the subjects of particular influence abroad, which implies the teaching of classes in English. On the other hand, the possibility offered to students to carry out international stays to fill in their research work in centers with which the School maintains academic relations.
Students of the Master's in Human Rights will have the opportunity to spend an on-site stay in Strasbourg (France), where they will be able to attend to attend a session of the European Parliament, sessions of the European Court of Human Rights and working meetings with professionals from these institutions. During the stay, meetings will be held with services on core topic: democracy and human rights, human rights education and social rights, among others. Students will thus have the opportunity to broaden their vision of the European Human Rights system and the functioning of committee in Europe.
A large part of the programme's content is devoted to current global challenges, such as the role of rights in the protection and social integration of immigrants, the regime of religious freedom in multicultural contexts, the rights of future generations or the centrality of rights in peace-building and in the human development .
The content of human rights is a global challenge in itself, as it is mainly decided and discussed in international forums. For this reason, both the general theory of these rights and the mechanisms for their protection occupy a central place in the master's degree.
The programme devotes an important part to the role played by international jurisdictions in shaping the scope and interpretation of human rights (European Court of Human Rights, Inter-American Court of Human Rights, etc.). It also explores the "general theory of fundamental rights", whose dogmatic categories have been shaped in academic and political discussions that transcend national borders (think, for example, of the influence of the German dogma of rights or the American categories of anti-discrimination law).
When the topic justifies it, students will be given the opportunity to carry out their Master's degree research work in foreign centres with which the School de Derecho maintains academic relations.
This is an unbeatable opportunity for them to gain first-hand knowledge of foreign doctrine and jurisprudence, establish academic relations with prestigious centres, perfect their knowledge of other languages and put into practice numerous skills and competences that are essential in an increasingly globalised academic context.
At present, School has more than 20 collaboration agreements with foreign universities in Europe, North and Latin America, Asia and Oceania.
It is foreseen that the School will sign new agreements with other foreign universities where an adequate academic, training and facilities level can be guaranteed.
The deadline for apply for the exchange will be set each academic year by the Master's Management, before the end of the first year semester of studies.