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  • Title degree scroll official
  • 60 credits 60 credits
  • 9 months 9 months
  • On-site On-site
  • Spanish and English Spanish and English
  • Pamplona Pamplona
  • 20 places 20 places

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Human rights, a legitimizing element of political power that poses new challenges


The Master's Degree University in Human Rights deepens in the foundation, dogmatic and history of the rights, its influence in the different sectors of Law and its increasing presence in the international field.


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International dimension

International faculty, subjects in English and the possibility of international internships for fill in the work of research in centers with which School maintains academic relations.

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Research orientation

Due to the research nature of this Master's Degree, the forms of teaching employed differ from those of other professionally oriented programs.

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The students of Master's Degree in Human Rights will be able to carry out extracurricular internships at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, the Central American Court of Justice, the Mexican Federal Administrative Court, the Fernando Pombo Foundation and the Latin American Center for Human Rights (CLADH).

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Do you want more reasons?

The Law School is committed to innovation professor, understood not only in the application of new methodologies and tools, but also in improving student learning; the research and the internationalization to train professionals capable of understanding and improving the world in which they live.

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The School Law School is ranked among the 50 best in the world and the 1st in Spain in its specialization program, according to The World University Rankings.

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More than 40 selection processes each year with national and international law firms and leading consultancy service firms, including the Big4.

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Collaborations with universities all over the world, on-site stays, the International Moot Courts, internships and employment international...

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Our faculty


The subjects will be taught by professors from the School Law School and other centers of the University. In addition, students will have a tutor to supervise their learning throughout the course.

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Teachers of the Master's Degree

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Let nothing stop you towards your future, find out more about our scholarships

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Let nothing hold you back from your future

From the beginning of the University of Navarra, we have worked to ensure that no student with the ability to study with us is left without fulfilling his or her dream for financial reasons.

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Impact of our teaching, research and transfer of knowledge

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The University, second best in Spain according to the CYD 2024 ranking. +

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The University, among the top 100 universities in the world in 6 subjects of the QS 2024 ranking . +

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5 teaching areas of the University, among the best in the world according to the Times Higher Education 2023 ranking . +

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The University obtains the HR Excellence in Research seal that accredits it as an entity committed to quality in the management of human resources at research (2020). +

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