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Aplicaciones anidadas


The admissions process aims to achieve a homogeneous level in the promotion as a whole and to identify those candidates who are likely to make the most of the academic programme.

It consists of a complete evaluation of profile of candidate, taking into account the academic merits accredited in the online admission application and their suitability to the requirements of the programme.

This master's degree is for you if you have...

  • Intellectual restlessness and sufficientdetermination to deepen the methodologies and praxis of legal research, as well as the solid knowledge in the field of human and fundamental rights.

  • Interest in future research and professor or in the practice of human and fundamental rights in national or international bodies, in the judiciary or in non-governmental organisations.

  • aptitude for argumentation and work capacity, as well as skill to function in a team with enthusiasm and initiative.

Admission criteria...

The criteria for the evaluation of candidates taken into account are as follows:


transcript academic



Curriculum vitae



Personal interest and motivation*.



* Through letters of recommendation received and other information from candidate provided in the application form.

The candidate will receive the decision within a period not exceeding 15 days from the day the online application for admission was completed at fill in .

requirements of admission...

The following are requirements necessary to take the Master's Degree in Human Rights:

1. Be graduates in Law or other Legal Sciences: National or international. The possibility of accessing the Master's Degree from other equivalent degrees will also be considered, provided that they are deemed appropriate to successfully take advantage of the programme. 

You can apply for admission before obtaining a university degree, but you must provide proof of having obtained the degree at the start of the programme.

2. Proof of English level: Level B2 (TOEFL, FCE, IELTS, etc.).

*Students from English-speaking countries are exempt.

3. Accredit a level of Spanish corresponding to B2 language : International candidates, whose mother tongue is not Spanish. 

See accreditation form

4. In the case of international students, files with a grade average of less than 8 will not be processed. 

If you are studying in a country outside the European Union, in addition to the above tests, we will also carry out an assessment of professional competences. For students with special needs, the University offers you the possibility to take a Unit for the Care of People with Disabilities (UADP).

Admision: desplegable

  • You can apply for admission at apply for from October until the beginning of the Master's course (October).

  • For apply for admission, it is first necessary to register at Portal miUNAV. Once inside the Portal, the candidate can apply for the admission and attach all the documentation required by the master's degree through the same form.

  • A payment of €100 must be made via one of the options indicated on portal.

The competences required to study the Master's Degree will be assessed through an online interview that will be held once the application for admission has been formalised.


The decision on the admission application can be found at Portal miUNAV.


Admitted students must pay the pre-enrolment fee within a maximum period of one month as an advance payment of the costs of enrollment for the master's degree they are going to study. Payment is made through one of the options indicated at portal.

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