Ruta de navegación


Aplicaciones anidadas



The main goal of this module is to introduce the vast field of instructions of the research of design epidemiology. Because of its subsequent use in the development of the other clinical and practical modules of the Programme, learning about the designs of clinical research and the possible fallacies of research: biases and confounding is of particular interest.


1) The epidemiological method.
2) Sample size estimation.
3) Frequency measures.
4) Measures of association.
5) Measures of potential impact.
6) Errors and biases in epidemiology.
7) programs of study cross-sectional and ecological.
8) programs of study cohorts.
9) programs of study case-control.
10) programs of study experimental.


More detailed information about subject Epidemiology can be found at link .


Dr. Silvia Carlos Chillerón

Teacher in Charge

Research Building
C/ Irunlarrea, s/n

31008 Pamplona, Spain

Tel. (+34) 948 42 56 00
Ext. 806636
