Ruta de navegación


Aplicaciones anidadas



It aims to provide an overview of the ethics of biomedical research , so that students can understand and apply the principles and standards to be considered in defining and ethically assessing the issues involved in choosing, designing, conducting and publishing a biomedical work research .


1) The history of the ethics of research. rules and regulations ethics and legislation.
2) Ethics committees at research.
3) Respect for man and the duty to investigate. Protection of privacy.
4) Informed consent in research.
5) The assessment of risks and benefits in research.
6) The research with vulnerable subjects.
7) The research Genetics with human samples.
8) Conflicts of interest.
9) Publication ethics.
10) Animal experimentation.


More detailed information about the subject Ethics of Biomedical research can be found at the following link .


Luis Echarte Alonso

Teacher in Charge

Building research
C/ Irunlarrea, s/n

31008 Pamplona, Spain

Tel. (+34) 948 42 56 00
Ext. 806215
