

This page contains several documents on prevention and health for staff and University professors.


Waste. General aspects

In order to facilitate the segregation of waste, a classifier has been developed to locate the waste within the group to which it belongs. To find out which group each waste belongs to, just click on the initial letter of the name in the following table (this list is not exhaustive, but only includes the most commonly used chemical products in a laboratory).

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | S | T | U | V | V X | Y | Z

If you do not find your product in the classifier, please contact contact with the Health & Safety Office service pool at

Hazardous waste containers, whose contents may react violently with each other, should not be stored together. In case of fire, falls, breakage or any other incident subject , the containers can be damaged and the products contained in them can enter contact producing dangerous reactions. It is therefore essential to take into account the most characteristic incompatibilities.

In order to properly store waste, we must know the meaning of the hazard pictograms.

Hazardous waste must be labeled according to rules and regulations (Regulation (EC) 1272/2008).

The manager Security Manager of each laboratory will be in charge of ensuring that the waste is correctly labeled at laboratory , thus complying with Royal Decree 952/1997, at the time the container or drum is used.

The labels are supplied by the business waste manager:

- Labels for biohazardous waste will be requested through the SMPRL at

-Labels for chemical waste are available at the CIFA or Chestnut Ed's concierges. Users should indicate on the label the department generator and the date of closure of the drum.

The different types of waste managed at the University of Navarra are:



Health Care Waste group III (Infectious)

Chemical producer of laboratory

Cytostatic wastes

Non-halogenated solvents

Expired Medicines

Halogenated solvents

Contaminated filters

Acidic solutions 

Anatomical remains in formalin

Inorganic alkaline solutions


Contaminated packaging


Mineral oil


Mercury-containing wastes


Developer solution


Fixative solution

  Contaminated absorbent material


management It constitutes the master document on which all the tasks in the field of waste (hazardous and non-hazardous) are structured, as well as the document from which the specific procedures for each of the Entities and each waste subject emanate. 

The different procedures of the University of Navarra's waste system management can be consulted in the following links.


PRUNAV.02. Chemicals

PRUNAV.03. maintenance waste

PRUNAV.04. RAU and inerts

PRUNAV.05. Computer equipment


PRUNAV.07. Cytostatics and Carcinogens

PRUNAV.08. Batteries, toners and documents

PRUNAV.09. Sanitary subject II, dead animals, medications

PRUNAV.10. Glass

Filters for biological safety cabinets

Glass containers

Mercury waste

In this document you will find the necessary information to manage the different wastes generated in the environment of the University of Navarra.