The Joint Service of Health & Safety Office (SMPRL) has the mission statement to ensure the health and safety of all employees, agreement with the Law 31/95 of Health & Safety Office and the Royal Decree 39/97 approving the Regulation of Prevention Services.
The SMPRL is composed of two areas, the medical area formed by physicians specializing in medicine from work and nurses from work and, the technical area , which includes technicians in Health & Safety Office, specialists in Safety at work, Industrial Hygiene and Ergonomics and Applied Psychosociology.
Its main activity is focused on conducting risk assessments, training on the risks of work space, implementation of emergency and self-protection plans and health surveillance.
The SMPRL's Prevention Policy establishes that preventive action must be integrated into the work activity at all levels of business. In such a way that the manager of an activity is manager to adopt the appropriate measures to avoid damage to health and facilities, for which it counts on the partnership and the advice of the Risk Prevention Service.
The following entities are adhered to the Health & Safety Office Joint Service: ACUNSA, ADA, CEIT, FEUN, FIMA, CUN MADRID, CUN PAMPLONA, UNIVERSITY OF NAVARRA (Campus Pamplona, Madrid, and Barcelona).
Who we are
Sara Martínez Solchaga
Director of management of the Campus
+34 948 425 600 Ext. 832137
Dra. Alicia Hernández Granados
Physician of work (Madrid)
+34 913 53 19 20 Ext. 827698
Mª Carmen Lacosta Lacosta
administrative assistant management assistant
+34 948 25 54 00 Ext. 822564
Mª Jimena D'aUbarede Núñez-Iglesias
administrative assistant management assistant (Madrid)
+34 91 353 19 20 Ext. 827240
Mª José Pallarés Ruiz
administrative assistant management assistant
+34 948 425 600 Ext. 832144
Joint Service of Health & Safety Office
sprl@unav.esUniversity of Navarra
Campus University
31009 Pamplona, Spain
+34 948 425 600 Ext. 832137