Ruta de navegación


Aplicaciones anidadas


The Professional Programmes Unit responds to the commitment to develop permanent training actions capable of satisfying the demands of the different professional sectors in which the University is active professor and research.

This permanent professor and training offer is addressed to alumni as well as to other professionals, companies and institutions.

Likewise, the creation of this Unit allows for the implementation of one of the lines of work proposal in the goal "Education transforming" of the 2022-25 strategic plan..

Aplicaciones anidadas


Suggestion of training

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University Campus

31009 Pamplona, Spain

948425600. Ext. 802200



Who we are


Ignacio N. Gil Sáenz

Director Executive


+34 948 425 600. Ext. 802200

View CV "View CV of Ignacio N. Gil Sáenz".

Alfonso Bañón Irujo

Director On line Programs

training online projects

+34 948 425 600. Ext. 803196

View CV "View Alfonso Bañón Irujo's CV".

Roberto Cabezas Ríos

Director Corporate Programs


+34 948 425600 ext. 806654

Assumpta Chacón Moreno

Project Manager


+34 948 425 600. Ext. 802371

Saray Redin Salinas

Junior Project Manager


+34 948 425 600, ext. 802371

María Lezana Curley

Junior Project Manager


+34 948 425 600, ext. 802679

Susana Rodríguez Alemany

management of Operations


+34 948 425 600. Ext. 802679


work coordinated

Equipment for development of programmes

The management of the unit and the management of projects coordinates the work with the teams of development of programmes in the different centres of the University. The Professional Programmes Unit works in coordination with Career Services, Alumni and the University of Navarra's Admissions Office Service and maintains lines of partnership with other centres such as IESE, ICS, CIMA, the University Museums and Clínica Universidad de Navarra.