
Excellence Programme 2009-2010





Students receive courses and participate in sessions to acquire the work techniques needed at university: public speaking and effective argumentation, work in teams, essay academic and scientific exhibition , search for resources for research, etc. In the 2009-2010 academic year there were two sessions.

1. "How to make a successful presentation in public? Public speaking techniques".

Ms. Miriam de Carlos

Wednesday 13 January

16 h. classroom 10 Social Sciences Building

University of Navarra

2. "What is a work of research? Argumentation, search for resources, reference system"?

Prof. Rafael Escobedo

Tuesday, 9 March

13.20 h. high school Irabia

"Economics and Ethics. In search of the causes of the current crisis". 

The monographic cycles consist of two or three sessions with prestigious university professors in which a topical issue is approached from various complementary perspectives, followed by a colloquium with the participants. The student will become accustomed to a global understanding and interdisciplinary approach to problems.

In the 2009-2010 academic year there were two sessions and the chosen topic was: "Economics and Ethics. In search of the causes of the current crisis".

1. "What is capitalism?"

Wednesday 3 February

16 h. classroom 10 Social Sciences Building

University of Navarra

Prof. Luis Ravina, Full Professor of Economics Mundial

Documents of work

  • 40th World Economic Forum. speech Opening Remarks by Nicolas Sarkozy (Davos, 27 January 2010)" [PDF].

  • J. M. Sayeras, "El capitalismo ha muerto, ¡Viva el capitalismo!, in ICE, 2009 [PDF].


2. "What happened to globalisation?"


Wednesday 10 February

16 h. classroom 10 Social Sciences Building

University of Navarra

Prof. Alejandro Llano, Full Professor Philosophy

Documents of work

  • Llano, A., "Globalización y cultura", in Cultura y pasión, Eunsa, Pamplona, 2007, pp. 119-139 [PDF].

The KEYS consists of a series of colloquia on science, culture, society and communication led by specialists in each field topic. These colloquia are eminently participative in nature: discussion of a article, discussion on a question, commentary on a book or a film, etc. The aim is to develop students' critical analysis of their social and cultural environment, as well as their ability to argue and explain.

In the 2009-2010 academic year there were three sessions -colloquium and the cultural trip to Barcelona.


On Darwin's birthday: what does evolution teach us about the origin of man?

Wednesday, 10 March

16 h. classroom 30 Central Building

University of Navarra

Prof. Rafael Jordana
Full Professor of Science

 Documents of work

  • Jordana, R., "The origin of man. Estado actual de la research paleoantropológica", in Scripta Theologica, 20 (1988), pp. 65-99 [PDF].

  • Artigas, M., "Evolucionismo: el hehco y sus implicaciones", Aceprensa, 29 March 1995 [PDF].


2. "The two Spains: what we can learn from history".

Wednesday 17 March

16 h. classroom 30 Central Building

University of Navarra

Prof. Jaume Aurell

Associate Professor of History

Dean from School of Philosophy and Letters

 Documents of work

  • Fernández, A. "El problema de España entre dos siglo (XIX-XX)", in Anales del seminar de Historia de la Philosophy, 14 (1997), pp. 203-222. [PDF]

Literature and cinema: Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand".

Wednesday, 24 March

16 h. classroom 30 Central Building

University of Navarra

Prof. Jorge Latorre

Professor of Audiovisual Culture

Documents of work

(The students had read the book and watched the film before the session.)

  • Rostand, E., Cyrano de Bergerac, Alianza, Madrid, 2002.

  • Film: Cyrano de Bergerac (J.-P. Rappeneau, France, 1990)

The following papers were presented:

Cyrano de Bergerac and Don Quixote: from myth to reality".

Directed by Mr. Pedro Zarauza

Members:Ramón Tudanca, Santiago de Navascués, Pablo Sánchez Bergasa

2. " Economics and sport".

Directed by Mr. David Ayerra

Members: Santiago Melcior, Fermín Errea, David Lumbreras, Richard Breeze

3. "The crisis of '29 and the current crisis: a comparison".

Directed by Mr. Iñaki Huarte

Members:Álvaro Casado, Pedro Casado, Christian Goñi, Borja Orcoyen

4. "What divides Spaniards? Culture, politics and society".

Directed by Mr. Nicolás Muracciole

Members: Eder Moreno, Javier Quiroga, Pedro De La Puente

5. "Abortion: legal, economic and moral aspects".

Directed by Mr. Iñaki Huarte

Members: Marcos Lezaun, José María Garciandía, David Fidalgo, Iñigo Pineda

6. "The Altamira Caves: Art at the origins of mankind".

Directed by Mr. Juan Ojembarrena

Members: Iñigo Robles, Juan Aguinaga, Gonzalo Aranguren



Secretariat of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Campus Universitario s/n

31009 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 425 600 (ext. 802361)
