Excellence Calendar 2024-25
27: Deadline for the registration. Registrations received after this date will not be accepted.
7: Sending by the center educational of the academic program: "My Excellence Program".
17 and 18: conference University Campus in Pamplona (mandatory for 1st and 2nd year).
12: deadline for:
- 1st: deadline of submission of the dissertations (papers received after the deadline will not be corrected).
- 2º: submission of the template for the work of research with the final degree scroll and the participants of each team.
26: deadline for submission of completed research papers.
8: In-person defense of the work of research and closing at campus of Pamplona.
21: Sending by the educational centers of the grades of the 2nd year of the PE.
25: The University of Navarra sends to each center educational the 2nd PE certificates.
5: The schools send the abstracts with the work proposals to research.
16: Schools send the 1st EP grades.
31: The University of Navarra sends to each center educational the certificates of the 1st year of the PE.
excellence@unav.esSecretariat of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Campus Universitario s/n
31009 Pamplona, Spain
+34 948 425 600 (ext. 802361)