The Excellence University Program, whose first edition was developed in the 2009-2010 academic year, is a program of training in competencies for university and professional life aimed at students from the following universities: . high school diploma. It arises from the partnership between different educational centers and the University of Navarra, as well as from their common interest in improving the cultural training of young students and, therefore, their capacity for action in society.
The program consists of a common part for the different educational centers and a specific part that corresponds to each one of them. Each year, two coordination meetings are held between the schools and the University where, among other tasks, the dates core topic and the theme of the following year's conference are set.
The humanistic perspective, both scientific-technological and ethical, is considered to be the one that best enables students to understand the social environment, as well as to develop the intellectual capacities of responsible professionals and committed citizens. In addition, the Excellence Programme provides students with a high level of university skills, so that they can face their programs of study university studies from an advantageous position.
At the end of the program, the student is awarded a certificate, issued jointly by the School of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Navarra and the center educational, detailing the activities in which he/she has participated, which can be included as a merit in the curriculum vitae.

The University Excellence Programme aims for students to achieve the following objectives:
To promote academic, staff and professional excellence for a better service to society.
Humanistic vision
To develop a humanistic vision of the social, economic, scientific and technological aspects of reality, through a solid cultural training .
Intellectual rigour
To develop habits of intellectual rigor, dialogue and argumentation, as well as critical capacity and interest in truth.
To be able to understand the complex and changing status of today's world and to acquire a firm commitment to the improvement of society.
Basics for academic life and staff: The Program financial aid the student to follow a proper process in the choice of programs of study university.