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Academic aspects:
Prof. José María Pardo
The School of Theology of the University of Navarr a offers three programs of training Permanent aimed at train to those who take them in the harmonious integration of the psychological and spiritual dimensions of people, a pressing need of our time.
It is becoming increasingly important that those responsible for training in Church-related centers, in order to more fully develop their mission statement, have psychological knowledge; at the same time, psychology and psychiatry professionals perceive the need for greater preparation to understand the strictly spiritual aspects of the people who come to their enquiry.
profile For this reason, the programs offered include specific subjects of moral and spiritual theology, together with others of a more psychological nature, always seeking their application to the concrete situations in which many people find themselves; situations that end up having an impact on the moral and spiritual life of people.
The subjects of these programs are not designed as a mere study of psychology or exclusively technical knowledge. As they are taught in a School of Theology, the approach is necessarily multidisciplinary, focusing on its theological, spiritual and pastoral dimension.
The programs are offered every year at modality (Pamplona, Spain), in blocks of six weeks each.
The three programs can be taken consecutively, independently, or in different years (although the admission and admission to the admission and enrollment admission to each program will always be done individually).
Participants will receive an accreditedcertificate after having passed the Program, issued by the School of Theology of the University of Navarra.
training Permanent Program on Spiritual Accompaniment and Conflict Resolution
18 ECTS credit
" More information
training Permanent Program in
Spiritual life and management of diversity
18 ECTS credit
" More information
The programs will provide participants with the basic knowledge of psychology and related sciences so that they can welcome, understand and accompany people of any age and status, and thus help them in the development and discernment of the various aspects of their lives (staff, marital, family, professional, spiritual).
They will provide theoretical and practical tools to know the normal modes of maturity staff, its variants and possible crises; as well as useful strategies to face them. This will enable to make a first diagnosis of possible alterations or variants of normality.
They will help to prevent, recognize and assist in conflictive or risky situations that hinder the development identity staff, interpersonal relationships and spiritual life.
Miriam del Barrio
Nurse, Adult ICU Clínica Universidad de Navarra
"The program financial aid to grow as a person, to open your mind and heart to other ways of looking at life, to better understand yourself and others."
Néstor Sánchez
Priest, Pastor in Illinois (USA)
"The training teaches very well the sensitivity and prudence to advise other people in their problems and concerns."
The faculty of the Psychology and Spiritual Life programs is multidisciplinary, which is one of the differential elements and one of the most valuable for those who take the program:
Professors, researchers and professionals of recognized prestige.
Both from the University of Navarra (Schools, Clínica Universidad de Navarra, ATLANTES Global Observatory of Palliative Care, Institute for Culture and Society), and from the Pontificia Università della Santa Croce (Rome, Italy).
Experts in Theology, Psychiatry, Palliative Care, Preventive Medicine and Public Health, and Psychology.
Profª. Cristina López del Burgo
Professor at Preventive Medicine and Public Health. Professor in the Program of training Permanent in Spiritual Life and management of diversity.
"The Psychology and Spiritual Life programs offer the tools to face the challenges of today's society. Those who take these programs learn to better identify the spiritual, psychological and/or biological difficulties presented by the people they accompany. Sharing experiences on classroom further enriches the learning."
Prof. Jorge Iriarte
Professor at School of Theology. Professor in the Program of training Permanent in Psychology and moral life.
"An intensive course with professionals from different areas of knowledge related to psychology and theology, which illuminates the difficult task of helping, guiding and resolving doubts and problems of people at training or at older ages, and will serve to respond to the various challenges that arise in the spiritual life. tool very useful for formators, spiritual directors or those in charge of governance, both priests and religious or lay people."