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Cabecera: Información adicional

  • Credits 15 ECTS CREDIT
  • <span>Duration</span> September 1 - October 7, 2025
  • modality On-site
  • <span>Language</span> Spanish

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It is taught in person at campus in Pamplona and stands out for its inter-faculty collaboration, with the participation of theologians, psychologists, psychiatrists and other medical professionals.


The training Permanent Program in Psychology and Moral Life aims to provide the anthropological, psychological, medical and theological instructions for an adequate relationship between the psychological and spiritual dimensions of the person.

The subjects studied provide a deep training in Psychology and related subjects, which serve as a complement to the teacher's training , guide spiritual or people related to management tasks or sensitive areas in both secular and religious educational entities.

This program is part of the interdisciplinary project Psychology and Spiritual Life that leads the School of Theology of the University of Navarra, in partnership with the School of Education and Psychology, the School of Medicine, the Clínica Universidad de Navarra and the Institute of Culture and Society (ICS).

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The purpose to base the theological, anthropological, psychological and medical instructions of people, in order to establish an adequate relationship between their psychological and spiritual dimensions, is concretized in the objectives of each subject studied.

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The subject 'Structure and dynamism of the person: the moral experience' has as goal to deepen anthropology through the experience staff. This course constitutes the basis for a theological-moral understanding that allows us to bring together the subjective and objective dimensions of the moral life.

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The contents of 'Psychology for trainers' include the foundations of this science, its methodology, subject of study, sources and approaches of the main psychological currents, with their protagonists.

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A subject related to anthropology focuses on the deepening of the development of the personality and its normal maturation according to the different stages of life: 'development moral and maturity of the personality' . Each phase of existence and the moments of change and transition present psychological characteristics that trainers must know and recognize.

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In 'Human affectivity and sexuality as personality shaping factors' we will study, given its importance, sexual maturation and sexuality in adults: its physiology, psychology and its variants. The different sensitivities and the differences between celibate and married people will be taken into account, without going into excessively technical contents.

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Finally, 'Neurosciences and moral life' will present the neurological medical instructions to understand human behavior, as well as the most common diseases and their treatments in the field of Neurology and Psychiatry. Other areas with special relation to the nervous system and its dysfunctions, such as Endocrinology, Pharmacology and Genetics will also be studied. The aim is to train in these disciplines so that the student is able to discern when there is something suspicious of disease, and not just a spiritual problem, to know the treatments that are administered and understand what influences these treatments may have on the person.

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Who is this program aimed at?

It is aimed at people involved in human and Christian formation, in spiritual accompaniment and in the governance of educational or ecclesiastical institutions. It will also be of interest to educators, psychologists, health professionals and professionals from other humanistic areas who wish to learn more about the interrelationships between the organic, psychological, moral and spiritual dimensions of the person.

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Mainly in Theology, Psychology, Medicine or other related disciplines, which are to be incorporated into professional life.


 People with government tasks

Persons who, without training university, dedicate themselves to government tasks in Structures teaching or Church institutions, to the human and Christian training , and to spiritual accompaniment.

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The subjects you will study


The training Permanent Program in Psychology and Moral Life is composed of five subjects:


Structure and dynamism of the person: moral experience

Number of European credits (ECTS credit): 3
Character: Compulsory
Professor: Dr. Hélio Luciano


Psychology for trainers

Number of European credits (ECTS credit): 3
Character: Compulsory
Professor: Dr. Francisco Insa

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development moral and personality maturity

Number of European credits (ECTS credit): 3
Character: Compulsory
Professor: Dr. Francisco Insa


Human affectivity and sexuality as personality-shaping factors

Number of European credits (ECTS credit): 3
Character: Compulsory
Professors: Dr. Martiño Rodríguez-González, Dr. José María Pardo and Dr. Mª del Carmen Calatrava.


Neurosciences and moral life

Number of European credits (ECTS credit): 3
Character: Compulsory
Professor: Dr. Jorge Iriarte and Dr. José Ignacio Murillo

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training Permanent Program on Spiritual Accompaniment and Conflict Resolution

18 ECTS credit
" More information



training Permanent Program in
Spiritual life and management of diversity

18 ECTS credit
" More information


General information

Academic aspects

Prof. José María Pardo -

Admission and enrollment

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