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Ability to understand how one is and how one reacts to different circumstances, both in staff and in social and university life. Belief in one's own abilities and possibilities at development.    





  • Do you have resistance to fatigue?

  • Do you do what you consider necessary at each moment, without letting yourself be carried away by what is easy or appetizing?

  • Are you capable of making sacrifices to achieve your goals?

  • Do you concentrate thoroughly on the issues, without jumping superficially from one to another?

  • Are you aware of the consequences of each decision?

  • Are you consistent and orderly in your study/work and other activities?

  • Do you finish the tasks you start, even if difficulties arise?

  • Are you clear about your priorities at all times and do you act accordingly?

  • Do you set the right goals to obtain √©academic success and reach them?

  • Are you committed to programs of study and have established good study habits?

  • Do you keep away temptations (cell phone, computer...) when studying?

  • Do you fulfill your obligations before your desires?

  • Do you control your anxiety and nervousness in the face of real or invented risks?

  • Do you think before you act, without getting carried away by emotions?

  • Are you able to control your impulses ("mala leche", anger, desire to give up...)?

  • Do you have a positive attitude and are you motivated by what you do?

  • Are you a tidy person?

  • You change your mind under pressure from group.

  • You "go with the flow" so as not to stand out or differentiate yourself.

  • You don't show yourself as you are, but as others expect.

  • You are conformist and do not make proposals for improvement that involve leadership staff.

  • You don't examine your behavior or ask for feedback from those around you.

  • You set unrealistic deadlines and goals.

  • You make commitments you can't keep.

  • You do not master your feelings nor do you know how they influence your work and others.

  • You don't know how to behave agreement with your position.

  • You crumble in the face of mistakes or failures.

  • You don't know your personal strengths to lean on.

  • You don't believe in your own capabilities.

  • You think others will do a task better than you are capable of.

  • Have you identified your strengths, those things you are really good at?

  • Could you list with relative ease a list of behaviors or habits that constitute your areas of improvement?

  • Do you effectively use your strengths to compensate for your weaknesses?

  • Do you frequently engage in tasks that exceed your capabilities?

  • Do you really know what effect your emotions have on your actions?

  • Have you ever come to a point without looking for it and been really surprised?

  • Is there anything about your colleagues' attitude towards you that surprises you?

  • Have you ever stopped to think why?

  • Have you ever been criticized and have you been able to accept it with humility and analyze it?

  • Would you foresee how you would react to different scenarios at university or at work? And in your life staff?




Action plan

  • Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of your self-assessment and the external assessment . Identify the competencies where there is the greatest difference between the two perspectives and analyze why.

  • Discuss it with your advisor or your parents and, with their input, try to learn something about yourself that you didn't know.

  • If you wish, you may find the questionnaire strengths and weaknesses chart on the website linked below helpful.

  • Take the temperament test below and identify your predominant temperamental component.

  • To know what temperament is and how it conditions our actions, you have at your disposal a presentation and a video. Take a look at them to find out what characteristics each one has.

  • From the qualities of each temperament, identify the two strengths and two weaknesses of your predominant temperament with which you feel most identified.

  • Next, identify two actions where you can take advantage of your temperament's strengths and identify two aspects that will cost you more because of your temperament's weaknesses.

Presentation   Video   Test
  • Read the document Stages for the training of a new habit and listen to the TEDx talk The power of habit to learn about the importance of habits in who we are.

  • From your daily life, identify at least three habits that you want to develop.

  • Through the guidelines of the improvement notebook and what it says in the document details a concrete plan to be able to develop them.

Document   Video
  • Take the Life Compass test on what your predominant values are and discuss the results with your advisor, your parents or someone you trust.

  • You will see that you can also extract what Degree of importance it has for you theoretically and also the one you give it with your actions. From there, extract plans to take forward those values that are being absorbed by others but are important to you.

Life Compass   Life Compass Explanation
  • Make a list of the 3 activities you have accomplished that you are most proud of. From them, extract the common steps that led you to that success and the steps you took to get there. Can you do it again?

  • Now make a list of the 3 situations that you remember most negatively and draw conclusions: what is it that led you to status? How did you behave? If it happened to you now, what would you do?

  • If you set aside a few moments each day to spend in solitude, without distractions nearby, you will go deeper into who you are and what motivates you to act that way. Reflect on what you have done and what feelings it has produced in you.

  • Do activities where you can just think

  • Read books or watch movies that offer interesting ideas that you can use to improve your business.

  • Think about how the different people who have been in your life have contributed to your life.





Managing Oneself, by Peter F. Drucker
It is a condition for growth staff that we know ourselves, that we know how we are going to perform in situations, what we have to rely on and what to try to improve. With abundant historical examples that clarify the words, this article establishes the instructions of self-knowledge.

A journey towards introspection
This short film article explains the importance of analyzing one's own behavior, feelings and decisions as a fundamental part of tranquility and growth.

Stages of a new habit training
The advantages of being accustomed to performing certain acts are explained, as well as the process of training of this habit.

Theory of temperaments
In this presentation the four classic temperaments are explained, as well as the behaviors they have, which leads to their strengths and weaknesses.

project of inner person, Fernando Sarráis.
The programs of study have shown that happiness depends to a great extent on personality. Do "insecure, fearful, self-conscious people", etc., seem to have it more complicated? And yet, people take more care of their bodies than of who they are. Thus, Fernando Sarráis defends the importance of cultivating the personality in a psychologically healthy way.

Temperament, character and personalityby Fernando Sarráis.
This book explains the differences between these three realities and what different types each one has, with their positive aspects and others to take into account.

Millenials at work. The generation from 1984 onwards has some strengths, such as their ability to sacrifice for an ideal, which are conditioned by the absolute lack of confidence they possess. Where does this lack of confidence come from? What can be done to improve it? If you want to get to know this fascinating generation, or belong to it and want to hear some advice, this interview is great financial aid.

Do you dare to dream?This video sample will show you the importance of stepping out of your comfort zone for growth staff, as well as the growth staff that this realizes.

The power of Habit Acquiring a habit inevitably leads to an improvement in our lives, as it costs us less to do things that are routine. But to get there requires willpower...

Thinking Fast, Thinking Slow by Daniel Kahneman The video is a summary of Daniel Kahneman's book in which he explains the different types of thinking and their consequences in our daily actions.

Temperaments In this video the four classic temperaments are explained, as well as the behaviors they have, which leads to their strengths and their disadvantages.

Barry Schwartz on the paradox of choice It is about how the infinite possibilities of choice end up upsetting the person, who cannot accept himself and his decisions, nor recognize mistakes, nor consider the possibility that a decision does not have to be perfect, but good for us and for others.

The Dead Poets Club, Peter Weir
Peter Weir makes this film a masterful lesson about the importance of finding what we really want, to fill our lives with illusion. The protagonists, young people in a British boarding school for wealthy families, attend the arrival of a teacher who is different: he not only teaches them, but also makes sure that each of them undertakes a search staff towards the reason for his life. IMDB profile

Jerry Maguire
What stands out most about this film is the change that Jerry Maguire undergoes in the first thirty minutes of the film. He has a moment where he comes into conflict with himself and questions who he is and why he performs his day to day work . The rest of the film sample how the decision he has made regarding who he wants to be affects his life staff and professional life. IMDB Fact Sheet

self-assessment of Skills and visualization in spider diagram
Assess with points the skills that one possesses and distinguish with the spider diagram the strengths and areas for improvement to define plans for development.

SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)
Define the weaknesses one has that prevent improvement staff and professional, the external and internal threats that can affect growth, the strengths on which to rely and the opportunities to follow to improve.

Life Compass
With this simple exercise, which alternates numerical evaluations with those written by the participant, it is possible to make a quick and accurate evaluation of the values that prevail in the company.

Temperament test
In this test, in Excel format, the participant selects among four adjectives with which he/she feels more identified during a list containing both positive and negative ones. At the end, he/she will have collected a series of "points" that will indicate his/her temperament. This should be complemented with an explanatory text for each temperament (at section in the Readings section).