Gestión de conflictostit

management of conflicts

Gestión de conflictos


It is the ability to diagnose, confront and resolve interpersonal conflicts promptly and thoroughly, without damaging the relationship staff.





  • Do you notice right away when there is a conflict with another person?

  • Do you try to analyze the cause of the conflict, without focusing on the superficial aspect that has brought it to the fore?

  • Are you open to discrepancies in people's diverse approaches and points of view?

  • Do you deal with the conflict as soon as possible, trying to establish the best conditions for its treatment?

  • Do you look for common ground between the different positions in a constructive dialogue? Do you evaluate all possible solutions?

  • Do you avoid extreme positions, always opting for moderation or centrality?

  • When you are not right, do you let yourself be convinced and accept being wrong? And when you are right and you impose your position, do you know how to leave triumphalism aside?

  • Do you avoid getting defensive when someone exposes an attitude or action that has provoked a conflict?

  • Do you take care of the emotional part of the conflicts, so as not to damage the relationship staff?

  • Do you maintain a dialoguing and conciliatory tone, avoiding personal attacks?

  • Do you ask for or accept forgiveness when necessary?

  • You prefer to cover up conflicts rather than address them clearly.

  • You are not able to perceive situations of latent conflict, so you cannot anticipate it.

  • You don't listen to the arguments of others and you become obsessed with your position.

  • You make blunt statements with no room for interpretation or nuance.

  • In situations of open confrontation, you do not know how to redirect the status.

  • You are left with general perceptions of a problem, rather than analyzing the causes and determining possible solutions.

  • You do not make or communicate decisions constructively.

  • You think you are wiser than the rest, and often in possession of the absolute truth.

  • You end a meeting in a moment of confrontation and take non-consensual decisions for granted.

  • You perceive discrepancies as personal issues and react defensively.

  • You don't know how to ask for forgiveness, even when you know you're not right.

  • You run away from healthy and constructive disagreement.

  • You get carried away by negative emotions without really analyzing the problems.

  • You think others act with ulterior motives.

  • You are incapable of working in a team with personalities different from your own.

  • In debates you get excited and tend to raise your voice.

  • Do you accept criticism or discrepancies with respect to your point of view, understanding them constructively and not as an attack staff?

  • Do you keep in mind the need to take care of the relationship staff, watching your expressions, the tone of your words, etc., when discrepancies occur?

  • Do you deal promptly with potentially conflictive situations?

  • Are you able to apologize and accept the apologies of others?

  • Can you distinguish at first glance the discomfort of others by the comments you make?

  • Do you think you have gifts and abilities that separate you from the rest? Do you think you are superior to the rest because of it?

  • Do you show your face when it comes to resolving conflicts or do I prefer to bury them and distance myself?

  • Are you able to apologize and accept the apologies of others? Do you hold grudges?

  • Do you seek the integration of all points of view, or consensus, for the solution to a problem when making a decision?

  • Do you take on the role of mediator to take care of discussions between two or more parties and prevent them from escalating to personal issues?

  • Do the discussions or meetings of work end up being non-productive or in votes where those involved are upset about the decision?




Action plan

If a comment by another person bothers you, think before you speak, putting yourself in his or her shoes to better understand. Why does what he or she said bother me?financial aid in something that I react disproportionately?
Put forward your arguments justifying your point of view, not dictating them. Try to keep them all reasoned so that it is not merely emotional.
In case the conflict becomes staff and your words have upset the other person, apologize. There is no winner in a confrontation, both "contenders" always lose if it ends up with one opinion prevailing instead of reaching a conviction, or an acceptance.
If another offers you an apology, be humble and accept it. It is sometimes more costly than offering them.

Keep in mind that when a conflict arises we tend not to talk to that person. A maxim of human relations is that personal problems are solved by talking, so do not close the only way you have to solve the conflict. Meet with whoever you have to solve the problems, don't use instant messaging or email. If you really want to solve it, you will want to say much more than in a WhatsApp.
Another important idea is that conflicts are neither bad nor good a priori. They arise because we are different. It will depend on how we manage conflicts to further cohere or separate those involved. Think positive and tell yourself that in the face of a conflict you have the opportunity to improve the relationship with the other person.
To resolve a conflict, it is very important the correct transmission of feelings, as these express more about how we feel, and can also make us position easier of what is happening to the other person(s). Tell them what "made you feel bad" or what you "didn't like" and allow the other person to do the same with you.

Use the different opinions of the discussion to rethink your thoughts and assimilate the changes, integrating the different arguments so that the final position favors and pleases everyone. If the decision is not made by consensus, it is difficult for everyone to feel identified and therefore motivated.
Look for aspects of others' interventions that you support, instead of discarding ideas based on first impressions. Strive to communicate your ideas clearly so that others become position aware of your thoughts.

There are different types of conflicts, which depend on the part under discussion: emotions or reason. For example, if emotions are from agreement but reason is not, it is a discrepancy, which is not as important as if the part involved is emotions, which lead to conformity, always dangerous because of its explosive nature (Cardona and Wilkinson, 2008). Judge what has gone wrong this time, gather the objective facts and analyze your feelings.
If the reasons are in disagreement, objectively analyze the differences and communicate them and then discuss what is desirable (if you and the other person reach the same thing) and what is acceptable (what you are willing to give up in order not to lose the emotions that unite you). If this acceptable space is not found, you will have to negotiate; that is to say, one of you will have to make a sacrifice in order to gain more.
If it is the emotions (which must always be analyzed and restored), be sure to give sincere feedback through your gestures (forgiveness, guilt, desire to get out of that status), and also be sure to say the magic words that heal emotionally such as "sorry", "I'm hurt" or "thank you". Never lose respect for the other person, and sometimes you have to walk away.

Do not think you know everything about a topic, do not pontificates your positions but keep an open attitude, of "active" listening and not to find flaws in the arguments of others to crush them.
Do not belittle the opinions of others, as everyone sees things differently and there is usually no single way to solve problems.
Don't try to dominate the conversation with your positions. Listen instead of just talking. Watch out for interruptions. And, when it comes to correcting something, don't just say "yes, but..." but "yes, and also...".

The first thing to safeguard in a conflict is respect for each other and the trust that has been built up. Seek the acceptance of all members of group with the work you have made. If everyone has participated to a greater or lesser extent, the more general acceptance you will have and the better it will end.
Most of the time, trust is broken by a silly thing that has not been spoken in time, such as a forgiveness that has taken a long time to say. Make sure you don't hurt anyone's feelings, and if it was not possible, then apologize sincerely and, if necessary, with a small compensation so that there is no escalation of tension.

Never, under any circumstances, raise your voice (much less to silence another's argument). Seek to be calm if something has hurt you by taking three deep breaths while discarding the arguments that come to mind, as they will be a counterattack or defensive.
Look to have a relaxed tone of voice as well as body language. If you dominate the body so that it does not explode in the end you end up dominating your most impulsive and irrational thoughts (sentimental, mainly). Leave pauses for general reflection.
If there is something you do not understand, ask why before giving an opinion based on intuition or not giving an opinion and keeping it to yourself.





Conflict Resolution
A guide to resolve conflicts by prioritizing the value of people over arguments.

Conflict can also be positive (if we know how to manage it) Cardona and Wilkinson
Great article about what a conflict is, what types there are and how to solve each one, as well as provisions to avoid another one.

When to let a conflict go, Jeanne Brett
After briefly analyzing why difficult situations arise to talk about, she explains the best methods to calm the status.

Why we fight at work, Annie McKee
Focuses especially on the motives that lead a person to become irrational, instead of taking distance. From external circumstances to the little habits we all have built in.

Gordian Knot, Alfonso Aguiló
There are some problems that seem unsolvable, and probably are through conventional methods. What to do?

Beware Conflicts of Interest, Dan Ariely
In this short talk and supported by two examples, Dan Ariely talks about the importance of knowing how to abandon our interests when talking about the common good.

The Beauty of Conflict, Clair Canfield
Shifting the perspective of conflict to a place that takes us out of our comfort zone, and therefore grows. And for that, sample a valid technique (VOCAB) to resolve them in such a way that everyone wins.

12 Men Without Mercy, Reginald Rose
A jury of twelve men must decide whether the person accused of a murder is guilty or innocent. Eleven of the members say he is guilty, while one believes there is no evidence to reach that conclusion and declares him innocent. A great discussion begins where the personal interests of the 11 are pitted against the principles of the one who votes not guilty. IMDB profile 

A Few Good Men, Rob Reiner
Two military lawyers must defend two Marines who have been accused of murdering a fellow soldier at the Guantanamo base. After the first investigations, it seems that it was due to the application of a "disciplinary sanction" ordered by the colonel of the base. Throughout the film, discrepancies will appear due to all the obstacles that stand between the truth and what is wanted to be known. IMDB file