

Nested Applications

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19 | 12 | 2023

The Dean of the Nativity Scenes of Navarre in the Augustinian Recollect Nuns of Pamplona


18 | 12 | 2023

The Nativity Scene and Mr. Julio Caro Baroja

ImageC. Jusué


04 | 10 | 2023

A relief of the battle of Navas de Tolosa in Villatuerta

ImagePhoto Main Street


16 | 02 | 2023

The missing main altarpiece of the Asunción de Cascante, seen by Juan Antonio Fernández in 1787.

ImagePhoto from Georg Weise's 1959 monograph


09 | 01 | 2023

A pair of copies in Navarra of the illustrated edition of the Life of St. Bernard of 1587.



16 | 12 | 2022

Julio Arrieta at the service of the image of the III Centenary of the canonization of St. Francis Xavier in Navarre

ImagePrivate collection


10 | 10 | 2022

The Virgin of Pilar in Navarra

ImageJ. L. Larrión


19 | 04 | 2022

The missing epigraphic texts of the main altarpiece of Pamplona cathedral

ImageIgnacio Miguéliz


12 | 04 | 2022

A small sculpture of Christ at the column with Bavarian resonances



05 | 04 | 2022

The image of loneliness in the arts and some examples in Navarre

ImageJ. L. Larrión


25 | 02 | 2022

Enjoying cultural heritage

ImageJ. L. Larrión


15 | 12 | 2021

Two canvases from Leire's secular heritage



07 | 12 | 2021

Festivities and art around the Immaculate Conception in Navarre (II)



07 | 12 | 2021

Festivities and art around the Immaculate Conception in Navarre (I)

ImageJ. L. Larrión


01 | 12 | 2021

The first canvas of the Virgin of Guadalupe with the historical cycle in Agreda



24 | 11 | 2021

Cultural heritage and identity



10 | 11 | 2021

Bells: tangible and intangible heritage. The largest in use in Spain, in Pamplona.

ImageMiguel Bretos


27 | 10 | 2021

Burials, Offerings and Suffrages: Graphic Testimonies of a Lost Religiosity (II)

ImagePhoto José Roldán, 1924. file General of Navarra


27 | 10 | 2021

Burials, Offerings and Suffrages: Graphic Testimonies of a Lost Religiosity (I)

ImagePostcard marketed by G. Marín de Elizondo


07 | 10 | 2021

José Zay Lorda: an enlightened man from Pamplona in the 18th century diaspora

Imageproject Pamplona City Hall façade by José Zay Lorda, 1753. Photo file Municipal de Pamplona
