
Nested Applications

Facultad_Quienes somos_Listado_vicedecanato

Vice-Deanship of Students


Prof. D. Santiago Casas

Associate Dean

Telephone: +34 948 425 600
Extension: 802671

Course Coordinators - high school program in Theology

Prof. Santiago Collado

Grade 1


Prof. Martín Montoya

Year 2


Prof. Juan Ignacio Ruiz Aldaz

Grade 3


Prof. Juan Luis Caballero

Grade 4


Prof. Juan Chapa

Grade 5


Course Coordinators - Undergraduate

Prof. Fernando Milán

specialization in Biblical Theology


Prof. Isabel León

specialization in Systematic Theology (Dogmatic)


Prof. Rodrigo Muñoz

specialization in Systematic Theology (Moral and Spiritual)




Schools Ecclesiastical Building

31009 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 42 56 00 ext. 802611
