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01 | 10 | 2009

Two professors from the University of Navarra, among the most prominent architects under 40 in Europe

ImagenManuel Castells

15 | 09 | 2009

Personalized vaccines demonstrate clinical efficacy in treating follicular lymphoma

TextoMª Pilar Huarte

ImagenManuel Castells

14 | 09 | 2009

Genentech, Digna Biotech and Biotecnol sign agreement to develop a treatment for liver diseases

TextoMª Pilar Huarte

ImagenManuel Castells

13 | 08 | 2009

Dr. José A. Obeso, publisher of the 'Movement Disorders Journal'.

TextoMª Pilar Huarte

ImagenManuel Castells

03 | 08 | 2009

Dr. María Antonia Fortuño, manager of the Biobank Service of the University of Navarra, Spain.

TextoMª Pilar Huarte

ImagenManuel Castells



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