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30 | 04 | 2007

"Nature Genetics" publishes a research of the CIMA of the University of Navarra on an aggressive cancer in children and adolescents.

TextoMª Pilar Huarte

ImagenManuel Castells

24 | 04 | 2007

Scientists at CIMA of the University of Navarra investigate a molecule to diagnose hypertensive heart disease.

TextoMª Pilar Huarte

ImagenManuel Castells

23 | 04 | 2007

Time' magazine reports on cancer research at the University of Navarra and two U.S. centers.

TextoMª Pilar Huarte

ImagenManuel Castells

22 | 03 | 2007

The CIMA of the University of Navarra and a Dutch scientific center find a treatment for porphyria.

TextoMª Pilar Huarte

ImagenManuel Castells

16 | 03 | 2007

A professor of the University of Navarra, member of the committee of the Board of Directors of an American Neurotherapy association

TextoMª Pilar Huarte

ImagenManuel Castells



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