06 | 11 | 2014
"In the U.S., a view of palliative care as an appropriate clinical specialization program at any point of illness is expanding."
TextoCarlota Cortés
ImagenCarlota Cortés
04 | 11 | 2014
Interview with Cristóbal Pagán
TextoBBVA Foundation/ICS
ImagenCarlota Cortés
03 | 11 | 2014
Institute for Culture and Society: participation in activities of other centers and universities (October 2014)
03 | 11 | 2014
Manuel Casado, new president of the Commission of the National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation that accredits professors at the area de Arts and Humanities
ImagenManuel Castells
03 | 11 | 2014
"The defense of life is not at odds with a totally scientific speech in which we can all find common agreements."
ImagenManuel Castells