Institute for Culture and Society: participation in activities of other centers and universities (October 2014)
Emotional culture and identity
Ana Marta González gave the 'Carlos Llano Lessons' at the Panamerican University of Mexico on October 6, 8 and 10. The lectures were on 'Ethical articulation of social life'. and were entitled 'Social Bonds, Moral Bonds', 'Good, Duty and Obligation' and 'Reflexivity, Freedom, and the Religious Dimension of Ethics'.
Omar Rosas delivered the lecture 'Liberty, Equality and Fraternity in Contemporary Society. Kiesloswki and the Fragility of Human Rights' at the conference on Cinema and Human Rights of the School of Communication of the University of Seville. Also, in this campus he conducted two focus groups on October 20 and 21 with students in the framework of the project 'Emotions in the digital press'.
Pilar León delivered the session 'The art and science of healthcare: the personalization of patients' at the International Scientific Congress 'Dehumanization and Depersonalization in Medicine and the Modern World and the life of St. John of Duklaorganized at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin (Poland) from 10 to 12 October. He also gave the lecture 'Body Image and Cancer from a Psychosomatic (1950-1959)' at the congress 'Emotional Bodies. A Workshop on the Historical Performativity of Emotions.held at the Université de Genève (Switzerland) on October 22.
Public discourse
Cristóbal Pagán intervened in the IX International congress of the Spanish Cognitive Linguistics associationwhich took place in Badajoz from October 15 to 18 under the degree scroll 'Lingüística cognitiva aplicada: nuevos retos' (Applied cognitive linguistics: new challenges). He presented three papers: 'Gesturing the mental timeline: Rethinking mappings and constructions through a multimodal analysis', 'Rethinking image schemas with the developmental story' and 'Generic integration templates for fictive communication'.
Ruth Breeze attended the International Conference on Evidentiality and Modality in European Languages (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 6-8 October), where she presented the discussion paper 'Mapping the behaviour of an evidential structure using corpus tools'. In addition, she gave an invited class on 'Interpersonality in legal English' at the Master's Degree in programs of study Advanced English at the University of Valencia.
Dámaso Izquierdo also participated in the International Conference on Evidentiality and Modality in European Languageswith the paper 'Are certainty adverbs prototypical evidentials? Revisiting the semantics of certainty adverbs from a narrow perspective of evidentiality'.
Pablo Blanco Sarto gave the sessions 'Contemporary Aesthetics' and 'The Education aesthetics' in the II meeting for teachers of Aesthetics, which took place in La Acebeda (Madrid) from 17 to 19 October 2014.
He was also present at the annual meeting of the European Society for Catholic Theology (ESCT) on October 31.
Beatriz Gómez Baceiredo attended the congress 'Storytelling Works: Creative innovation in 21st century communication.organized by the millenniArs platform in Monzón, Huesca, on October 23rd and 24th.
Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality
Jokin de Irala participated in the II conference of training 2014 'financial aid and support for pregnant women in difficult situations', held on October 11 at Central Building of the University of Navarra.
group 'Mind-brain'
Nathaniel Barrett gave an invited lecture at the University of Connecticut on October 28 under the degree scroll 'Ordinary Religious Experience: Energy, Engagement, and Enjoyment'. It took place at framework of the James Barnett Lecture Series in Humanistic Anthropology of The Humanities Institute of the American campus . Also, in the Division of Religious and Theological Studies of Boston University he gave the seminar 'Religion and Science Colloquium'. There he had the opportunity to share with doctoral students his research in the field of cognitive science and religion.
Javier Sánchez Cañizares offered the session 'Creation and Origin of the Universe' at the Santa María del Lago in Pamplona. high school Mayor Santa María del Lago, in Pamplona.
Luis Echarte gave the lecture 'Theory of action and dissociative disorders' at the LXXXI meeting of Psychiatry, organized in Navacerrada on October 18 and 19.
Natural law and rationality internship
Mariano Crespo participated in the XIX conference of Philosophy 'Thinking the Sacred'.organized by the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas in Madrid from October 27 to 28.
Navarra Center for International Development
Pedro Mendi gave an invited class in the subject 'Economics of development' at the Public University of Navarra under the degree scroll 'Labor Markets in Developing Countries' (group in English, October 23) and 'Markets of work in countries in development' (group in Spanish, October 29).
Alex Armand made a visit of research to IIES Stockholm University (Sweden) from October 28 to 30.
ATLANTES Programme
Carlos Centeno gave the session 'How to do palliative care as a pharmacist' at the permanent seminar of Humanities Pharmaceutics of the School of Pharmacy of the University of Navarra. He also gave a talk at lecture 'Palliative Medicine, Humanization and Whole Person Care in Action' at the International Scientific Congress 'Palliative Medicine, Humanization and Whole Person Care in Action'.Dehumanization and Depersonalization in Medicine and the Modern World and the life of St. John of Duklaorganized at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin (Poland) from October 10 to 12. He also gave a course for palliative care professionals at the Master's Degree Universitario di II livello in Alta Formazione e Qualificazione in Cure Palliative of the Università di Bologna (Italy), from October 16 to 18. On the 31st he participated in a periodic meeting of the committee Scientific of the Hospital Centro de Cuidados Laguna, of which he is a member.
María Arantzamendi took the Qualitative Research Refined (intermediate level) course, organized by the School of Medicine of the University of Toronto (Canada). In addition, she was part of the tribunal of the thesis 'Coping with death in palliative care professionals. Modulating and consequential variables', defended at the University of the Balearic Islands.
José Miguel Carrasco y Marina Martínez participated in the 16th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology and Psychosocial Academyorganized by the Union for International Cancer Control in Lisbon (Portugal) on October 23 and 24. The first spoke on 'Feasibility, Acceptance and Potential Efficacy of Dignity Based Psychotherapy in Southern Europe Countries. A Protocol Study' and the second, 'Dignity Therapy: in Which Moment of the Research we are'.
Religion and Civil Society
Raquel Lázaro participated in the XIX conference of Philosophy 'Thinking the Sacred'.organized by the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas in Madrid from 27 to 28 October, with the communication 'Human life as hierophany: manifestation of the sacred'.