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28 | 06 | 2011

A professor from the School of Philosophy and Letters, elected president of an American congress

ImagenManuel Castells

22 | 06 | 2011

The Vice President María Iraburu presents the project Horizon 2015 in London.

22 | 06 | 2011

The GRISO's high school de programs of study Tirsianos starts the publication of a new series of Tirso de Molina's 'Obras completas'.

16 | 06 | 2011

5% of the population suffers from a voice disorder that requires the intervention of a specialist.

ImagenManuel Castells

14 | 06 | 2011

The University of Navarra investigates the effect of rosemary extract in the reduction of overweight and obesity.

ImagenManuel Castells



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