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The Writing Centre at department of Philology is an interactive academic space that seeks to promote the development of the students' written skill while they are studying, bearing in mind that, regardless of the area of knowledge, all students, as members of a particular discursive community - the academic community - must produce texts belonging to various discursive genres that also have specific characteristics (essays, reports, summaries, reviews, final papers, end-of-term papers Degree, etc.). 

We conceive of writing as a process in which feedback is fundamental, as it allows us to continuously improve the texts we write. 

Throughpersonalised tutorials - face-to-face or virtual - we accompany Degree students at School of Humanities and Social Sciences in the process of writing academic texts. In these tutorials we offer resources and strategies to effectively develop our students' reading and writing skills and the competences linked to these skills (reflective, argumentative and critical thinking). The main purpose of this service is to help the writer to convey the message clearly, appropriately and appropriately according to the discursive genre and the discipline in question.

We also offer specific workshops open to the entire university community. 

The University of Navarra Writing Center is a member of the IWCA (International Writing Centers Association), the European Writing Centers Association (EWCA), the European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing (EATAW), the Red Latinoamericana de Centros y Programas de Escritura (RLCPE) and the ALES network (Asociación Latinoamericana de Estudios de la Escritura en Educación Superior y Contextos Profesionales).

Aplicaciones anidadas



Latin American Network of Writing Centres and Programmes (RLCPE)


European Writing Centers Association



European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing


Writing Centre Tutorials

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