Why a Writing Center?
Professor Concepción Martínez Pasamar, founder of the Writing Center, explains why it is necessary to have a space like this subject at the University of Navarra:
One of the skills required at the university stage is to know how to write in a way that is appropriate to the academic context. Writing is, on the one hand, a fundamental way of learning and building knowledge, but it is also a particularly relevant component of the image that each member of the academic community projects to others.
The Writing Center aims to be a support for the development and consolidation of the writing skills required by the university, both those of a more general nature and those associated with the handling of specific and complex genres, some of which may be new to students.
In close relation to the mission of the University of Navarra to contribute to the academic, cultural and personal development of its students with a clear service-oriented approach, the Writing Centre aims to support and accompany the academic writing tasks of the institution's students through a variety of initiatives (tutorials, workshops, webinars, Materials , among others).
Our medium-term objectives are as follows:
To develop and strengthen the reading and writing skills of our students.
Incorporate the development of the written communicative skill in different Degrees of Philosophy and Letters, through links with different subjects.
To make our own teaching resources available to the university community through our website.
To provide our services to other Schools of the university.
To support the training of university professionals in academic writing.
promote lines of research into the learning and teaching of academic writing in the university and professional context.
To generate, through research projects, new knowledge on academic literacy at the university.
Networking and collaboration with other national and international writing centres.
To position ourselves as a leading centre in academic writing in the Spanish and European university environment.
In recent years, teachers from department of Philology linked to the Writing Centre have led various innovation projects professor related, above all, to development of the skill communicative writing in the academic environment.
The projects and the researchers in charge in each course were as follows:
Course 2024-2025
Academic writing as a transversal skill in the Degree of language and Spanish Literature at the University of Navarra directed by María José Gallucci.
2022-2023 academic year
Writing and sustainability directed by María José Gallucci. award Innova to the best transfer project (III edition).
Academic writing as a cross-cutting skill of the University of Navarra directed by Carmen Llamas Saíz
Year 2021-2022
Proescritura: proposal didactic of collaborative learning of the Writing Center directed by María José Gallucci.
2020-2021 academic year
Writing Center: academic literacy in digital (con)texts directed by María José Gallucci
Identities and youth language in social networks directed by Ramon Gonzalez Ruiz
2016-2017 and 2017-2018 academic year
New approaches and methods in teaching-learning academic writing directed by Carmen Llamas Saíz, Concepción Martínez Pasamar and Cristina Tabernero
2014-2015 academic year
skill communicative, skill linguistics and language teaching language edited by Carmela Pérez-Salazar Resano
Implementation of the Writing Centre directed by Concepción Martínez Pasamar
Current linguistic theories and language teaching language directed by Ramón González Ruiz
Academic communication blog (Spanish and English) Lingua 2.0 directed by Carmen Llamas Saíz
2013-2014 academic year
skill communicative, skill linguistics and language teaching language edited by Carmela Pérez-Salazar Resano
Academic communication blog (Spanish and English) Lingua 2.0 directed by Carmen Llamas Saíz
designdevelopment and experimentation of theonline course postgraduate program at training for teachers of Spanish as a foreign language (ELE) directed by Concepción Martínez Pasamar and Cristina Tabernero conference room
Students interested in joining the Writing Centre's team of tutors can do so as student interns or as student trainees. In the first case, the interested student must fulfil a series of requirements requirements and be attentive to the call for proposals specific information published by School of Humanities and Social Sciences before the start of each academic year. The respective form can be download here. In the second case, the internship is coordinated by the department de Filología con Career Services of the University of Navarra.
The students who collaborate with the Writing Centre as tutors receive specific training both from professors at the University of Navarra and from recognised specialists linked to the development and the consolidation of national and international writing programmes and centres.
In addition, our tutors gain teaching experience through the basic workshops they give to other students and through the academicpeer tutoring service we offer.
The Writing Centre also brings our tutors closer to research and links them to ongoing innovation projects.
If you want to participate, you can contact contact with María José Gallucci (mgallucci@unav.es), coordinator of the Writing Centre.
More information
cescritura@unav.esIsmael Sánchez Bella Building
conference room 440 of the Institute of language and Spanish Culture
31009 Pamplona, Spain
+34 948 425 600
Ext: 802384
Twitter: @ceunav