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texto miradas

During the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, an unprecedented flourishing of the gender perspective has taken place in the West. Being a woman, thinking reality from a situated approach (the feminine) and understanding oneself from the culture that bears the imprint of the second sex have been options explored by many women who have shone with their own light in the last 125 years.

There is no doubt that current thinking has been enriched by the valuable contribution of women who have reconfigured the reality in which they have lived. Although each of them has approached in a unique way, and not always convergent with that of other women thinkers, what has been their contribution to a more egalitarian reality from the point of view of gender, it can be said that all of them are gender perspectives. 

This summer course will expose the common threads, similarities and differences that revolve around: 1) women's understanding of political and social agency, 2) gendered reflection on the intersection of philosophical and scientific rationality, and 3) the symbolic creation of women's identities. 

These questions will be analyzed from the point of view of six great Western thinkers: Hannah Arendt, Isabelle Stengers, Christine Ladd-Franklin, Donna Haraway, Simone de Beauvoir and María Zambrano. All of them have studied Philosophy and have sought to understand and reconfigure reality from that discipline, but they have done so thanks to an enriching dialogue with political science, Chemistry, culture and symbols, technology, literature and creative writing. 

The course will be developed around three debates in which two different female voices will be counterposed, which will ensure respect for divergences and encourage critical thinking. After the exhibition of the two sessions of each day, a discussion will be opened between the speakers and the people registered and/or attending the course.

The objectives are: 

  1. Rethink the gender gazes that have given us bequest 6 great women philosophers, scientists and writers of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.

  2. To offer paradigmatic examples that show different possibilities of working towards the fulfillment of the social Sustainable Development Goals development , especially SDG 5: Gender Equality.


Director: Julia Urabayen and Jorge León

Dates: September 4, 5 and 6

Hours: 16.00h a 20.00h

Venue: Palacio del Condestable

Botón de inscripción a los cursos



Aplicaciones anidadas

programa 4 septiembre

September 4. Politics and social worldviews

16h. presentation of the course.

16.15- 17.45h. Hannah Arendt: politics in turbulent times. Julia Urabayen, University of Navarra.

17.45- 18h. Coffee break.

18-19.45h. Isabelle Stengers: Cosmopolitics and scientific paradigms. Jorge León Casero, University of Zaragoza.

19.45-20.15h. discussion

September 5. Hybridization of science and Philosophy

16-17.30h. Christine Ladd-Franklin: women and rationality. Paloma Pérez-Ilzarbe, University of Navarra.

17.30-18h. Break

18-19.30h. Donna Haraway: cyborg thought and situated position. Jorge León Casero, University of Zaragoza.

19.30-20h. discussion

September 6. Symbolic Reconfigurations of Identity

16-17.30h. Simone de Beauvoir: the feminine voice in existential literature. Julia Urabayen. University of Navarra.

17.30-18h. Break

18-19.30h. María Zambrano: thinking from the poetic reason. Ricardo Pinilla Burgos. Comillas. Pontifical University (Madrid).

Aplicaciones anidadas

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