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texto adicciones

The issue of addictions, whether substance or behavioral, has become a challenge in contemporary society. From alcohol and drugs to pathological gambling and addiction to technology or pornography, these addictive behaviors can affect people of all ages and social strata. It is imperative that as a society we recognize the risk factors that trigger these addictions and understand the devastating consequences they bring, both individually and collectively. Lack of awareness and Education about this topic contributes to its uncontrolled spread. 

The general objectives of the course include: 

  1. Reflect on the different types of addictions, their underlying causes and associated risk factors. This would include an understanding of how addictions can affect people of all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds.

  2. To train participants to recognize the warning signs of addictions in themselves and others, as well as provide guidelines on how to intervene appropriately and offer support.

  3. To explore how the community as a whole can play an active role in the prevention and treatment of addictions by promoting healthy public policies, creating support networks and eliminating the stigma associated with addictions.


Directed by: Elena Puerta Ruiz de Azua and Miren Pardavila 

Dates: June 17, 18 and 19

Hours: 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Location: classroom 10. Building Science Library

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Aplicaciones anidadas

programa adicciones

June 17. General aspects of addictions

16-16:15h: Inauguration

16:15-17:00h: Addictions, a real problem. Overview of addictions in Europe, Spain and Navarra. Practical activity. speaker Miren Idoia Pardavila Belio

18:00-18:30h: Coffee Break

18:00-19:00h: Why do we become addicted? Basic concepts and explanatory models of addictions. speaker Elena Puerta 

19:00-20:00h: Results of the III Navarre Plan for the prevention of drugs and addictions 2018-2023. Future lines of action. Speakers:

  • Arantxa Legarra Zubiria: Head of the Health Promotion and Health in All Policies Section.
  • Mikele Jauregui Elso: Family and community nurse specialist. Member of the Addictions Team.
  • Mikel Razkin Orobengoa: Social Educator. Member of the Addictions Team.

June 18. Substance Disorders 

16:00-17:15h: Let's talk about addictions to traditional substances. Tobacco, alcohol, marijuana and other drugs. Participants: Sofía Neddermann and Enrique Aubá 

17:15-18:00h: The challenge of gender in substance addictions. speaker Blanca Martínez Bugarín 

18:00-18:30h: Coffee Break

18:30-20:00h: Docu forum: Welcome León

Documentaries: Gota a Gota: Dir.: Amaia Molinero López ( Synopsis: The experience of an anonymous alcoholic, who has spent 12 years without drinking, is intermingled with the answers of five young people, between 19 and 21 years old, who answer several questions about how they see their own alcohol consumption and that of society.

The course of the documentary makes us reflect on the consumption of an addictive substance that is becoming more and more accepted among the population. Reflection with the students of Communication, how they did it and how it has influenced their lives. 

June 19. Behavioral disorders

16:00-17:00h: Behavioral addictions: all that is hidden at the base. speaker David Ramirez

17:00-18:00h: Pornography 2.0. A silent and silenced epidemic. speaker Carolina Lupo

18:00-18:30h: Coffee Break

18:30-19:30h: How to prevent the development of behavioral addictions? The role of the family, the high school and society". speaker María Contreras

19:45-20:00h: Closing of the course

Aplicaciones anidadas

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