Double-page illustration: a visual reading of Literature and History.
Illustration, in its many forms, has permeated our lives since ancient times. In relation to Literature or History, its various communicative functions have been maintained and diversified; it has also been combined with other forms of expression to develop new genres.
This course seeks to review the role of illustrations, graphic statements, in relation to the literary and historical from different perspectives: from the disciplines themselves, but also from the creation, editing or application to teaching. The sessions will gather the points of view of publishers such as Nórdica Libros or A Fin de Cuentos through their directors; the creative processes of professionals of great prestige and recognition, such as Iratxe López de Munáin, Idoia Iribertegui, Jesús Sotés or Ana G. Lartitegui and, of course, didactic experiences that use the image as a medium or center. The course will take place simultaneously with the Navarra Comic Salon and the exhibition Adoble página. Panorama navarro de ilustración publishing house, at the Library Services of the University of Navarra.
Management: Concepción Martínez Pasamar and Francisco Javier Caspistegui
Dates: September 12th, 13th and 14th
Hours: 4:00 pm to 8:30 pm (Thursday and Friday), 10:00 am to 1:30 pm (Saturday)
Place: Palacio del Condestable and University of Navarra
September 12. University of Navarra Museum
16.00h. presentation
16.15h. discussion paper inaugural. "Enlightenment, Literature, History". C. Martínez Pasamar
17.15h. Break
17.45h. roundtable. "Illustrating literature, writing with images". With illustrators Idoia Iribertegui, Iratxe López de Munáin, Jesús Sotés. Coordinated by: Concha Martínez Pasamar
19.00h. visit to the exhibition "A doble página. Panorama navarro de ilustración publishing house"; Library Services University of Navarra with several of the artists.
20.30h. End of the workshop
September 13. University of Navarra Museum
16.00h. discussion paper. "Historical illustration, illustrated history". F.J. Caspistegui
17.15h. "A dialogue around illustrated history: infographics and historical illustration". Nerea Armendáriz and Iñaki Diéguez Uribeondo. Moderator: F. J. Caspistegui.
18.30h. Break
19.00h. roundtable. Didactic experiences that integrate Illustration, Literature and History. Uxue Juárez (IES Alaitz), Luis Fernández (EASD Pamplona) and Amaia Cía (La historia en un pispás). Coordinated by: Concha Martínez Pasamar
20.30h. End of the workshop
September 14th. Palacio del Condestable
10.00h. "Illustrated literature and history. A conversation from the point of view publishing house". Teresa Benéitez, editor of A Fin de Cuentos and Diego Moreno, publisher of Nórdica Libros.
11.00h. visit to the exhibition of the Navarra Comic Fair in Condestable. Javier Pérez de Zabalza, director of the Comic Fair.
12.30h. discussion paper closing. "Of books and labyrinths. A vision of loan and the variation of recognizable themes in the hypermodern illustrated album". Ana G. Lartitegui
13.30h. Closing