Ruta de navegación


Aplicaciones anidadas

texto realidad virtual

From lemon, lemonade... To take the current challenges as an opportunity for improvement.

A course to learn the answers to the big questions raised by sustainability, with the best experts on Economics circular, urbanism and mobility.


Dates: September 5 to 7, 2023

schedule: from 4.15 pm to 8.15 pm

Place: Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Navarra. C/General Chinchilla, 4. Pamplona

issue of seats: 150

Price: 15€.

Botón de inscripción a los cursos

matricula con codigo promocional boton



Aplicaciones anidadas

martes 5 septiembre

Tuesday, September 5

Understand what is the Economics circular and what is recycling for?

miercoles 6 septiembre

Wednesday, September 6th

How to prepare cities for climate change

jueves 7 septiembre

Thursday, September 7th

Why mobility matters: transport and pollution

información práctica

Practical information

  1. The conference room is located in the basement of the Chamber of Commerce - it can be accessed by the outside courtyard (steps) or by an elevator.
  2. It is recommended to arrive at 16:00 for the entrance. Seats are not numbered. If there is a need for reserve a specific wheelchair seat, please contact the organization:
  3. Registration will start at 16:00 on all three days. It is recommended to pay the enrollment online in advance to minimize registration time.
  4. The enrollment gives you access to the three days of the course. The enrollment is for the entire course (not for single days). No refunds will be given for the non attendance of one or more conference.
  5. During each of the conference there will be two short breaks. The restrooms are located on the same floor as the conference room.
  6. The conference will have an on-screen transcript and sign language.
  7. There will be a free water source to refill water bottles.
  8. A summary of the presentations will be provided at the end of the course. 


Aplicaciones anidadas

enlace acceso inscripcion



Campus University

31009 Pamplona, Spain

948425600 Ext 802079

programa curso de verano sostenibilidad